John Charles Alderso教授是國際語言測試界公認的知名的專家之一。多年以來,Alderson教授一直致力于語言測試的研究,著作等身,取得了異常豐碩的成果!秺W德森語言測試文集(英文版)》收錄了其1986年至2011年期間發(fā)表的部分主要論文,內(nèi)容涵蓋了閱讀理解測試、語言測試研究方法、特殊用途語言測試、語言測試的反撥作用、基于計算機考試等14個研究方面。這14個研究方面是語言測試者開展研究所必須涉及的研究領域,具有很高的學術(shù)價值,在語言測試研究領域中具有開拓性的意義。《奧德森語言測試文集(英文版)》所收錄的論文不僅包括了語言測試的經(jīng)典理論,也代表了語言測試的未來發(fā)展方向,同時也為語言測試研究者提供了方法論,從而形成了一套完整、全面、系統(tǒng)的語言測試的理論!秺W德森語言測試文集(英文版)》為從事語言測試研究的學者、大學英語教師及語言測試專業(yè)的研究生提供學術(shù)參考。
Part One Testing Proficiency and Achievement
1. Testing Proficiency and Achievement: Principles and Practice
2. Metalinguistic Knowledge, Language Aptitude and Language Proficiency
3. Diagnosing Foreign Language Proficiency: A Teaching/Testing Interface
4. Bands and Scores
5. Sequencing as an Item Type
6. Native and Nonnative Speaker Performance on Cloze Tests
7. The Effect on the Cloze Test of Changes in Deletion Frequency
8. The Testing of Reading
9. Testing Reading Comprehension Skills (Part Two) : Getting Students to Talk about Taking a Reading Test (a Pilot Study)
10. The CEFR and the Need for More Research
11. What Does PESTI Have to Do with Us Testers?
Part Two Testing English for Specific Purposes
12. Testing English for Specific Purposes: How Specific Can We Get?
13. Testing and Its Administration in ESP
14. A Course in Testing and Evaluation for ESP Teachers or “How Bad Were My Tests?”
15. Testing in EAP: Progress? Achievement? Proficiency?
Part Three Language Testing and Program Evaluation
16. The State of Language Testing in the 1990s
17. Language Testing in the 1990s. How Far Have We Come? How Much Further Have We to Go?
18. Examining Washback. the Sri Lankan Impact Study
19. Computers in Language Testing
20. Technology in Testing. the Present and the Future
21. Innovations and Challenges in Diagnostic Testing
22. Evaluating a Placement Test
23. Guidelines for the Evaluation of Language Education
24. Towards a Theory of Participatory Evaluation. Insights from Applied Linguistics