More than 50 years of love and 40 years of collection and accumulation, with the encouragement, support and assistance from great friends, finally at the edge of 80 years old, I have fulfilled my promise and now present these illustrations, which include more than 600 species of succulent plant, to you.
Before my retirement, by taking the advantage of business trip, I had visited many places, botanical gardens and botanical parks all around the world to collect photographs of succulent plants. I had been to Mexico, the cactus kingdom, some natural distribution areas and national parks of southeast America, several islands of Caribbean Sea; I had also been to South Africa and Swaziland, where are the major distribution areas of genus Aloe and several genera and species of family Aizoaceae; I had visited the Wellington Botanical Garden in New Zealand, Melbourne and Sydney Botanical Gardens in Australia, Kebon Raya Bogor and Bali Botanical Garden, Singapore Botanical Garden, Paris Botanical Garden in France, Monaco Botanical Garden, Vancouver Botanical Garden in Canada, and most of the botanical gardens in China, including Xiangshan Botanical Garden in Beijing, Zhongshan Botanical Garden in Nanjing, Kuming Botanical Garden, Xishuangbanna Botanical Garden, Xiamen Botanical Garden, Xianhu Botanical Garden in Shenzhen, Wuhan Botanical Garden, Lushan Botanical Garden, Xian Botanical Garden, Guiyang Botanical Garden, Longhua Botanical Garden in Shanghai and South China Botanical Garden in Guangzhou. More than 4000 pictures had been collected during these trips, after years of selection, organization, summary and review, I have finally finished these drawings.
Since they are hand painted, all of the drawings are copies of the original photographs or pictures. And I am neither a professional painter nor a phytotaxonomist, I sincerely wish that you readers could forgive my mistakes in the nomenclature, morphology and distribution descriptions of these succulent plants. On account of time limit and short of professional skills, I am sorry that the morphology and distribution of some cultivars are not included in these illustrations.
Without the help from my dear friends and colleagues, these hand painted drawing illustrations of over 600 succulent plant species would not have been finished. Hereby I deeply thank the ones who have helped me with the photograph organization, data collection, introduction in Chinese and English, hand painting direction, scan of all these pictures and publication. 后語(yǔ)
Finally, with the great help and sponsorships from everyone around me, these illustrations could be presented to you readers in the first half of the Year of Monkey. Herein, I would like to offer my special thanks to Mr. Xu Jinfu, president of Tian Ci San He corporation, who has supported and sponsored me greatly, and helped me with the publication issues. I would also like to thank Mr. Gao Xuhua and Miss Xu Dan for their great supports and sponsorships. Additionally, I am truly grateful for the assistances from Mr. Wang Bin and others who have assisted me with the publication procedure. And I have been deeply appreciated that Mr. Guan Zhaogen have offered me advises and assistances during my hand-painting process. The nomenclature of over 600 succulent species is a time consuming and complicated work. Luckily, Prof. Xia Nianhe, phytotaxonomist of South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has offered advises and reviewed these nomenclatures to make sure they are correct and precise. Hence, I sincerely thank Prof. Xia and his students for their kindly help. All in all, I offer my deepest and most sincere thankfulness to everyone who have participated in the creation and publication of these illustrations!
Zhu Liangfen
Feb. 2016