定 價:62 元
- 作者:[美] 希格力,[美] 米施卡,[美] 布迪納斯 著
- 出版時間:2007/4/1
- ISBN:9787040207576
- 出 版 社:高等教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:TH122
- 頁碼:793
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
Mechanical Engineering Design為美國密歇根大學(xué)Joseph E.Shigley教授等著,1956年,Joseph E.Shigley教授獨(dú)自開始編寫機(jī)械工程設(shè)計(jì)教材,后逐漸發(fā)展成為目前的機(jī)械工程設(shè)計(jì)教材。Joseph E.Shigley于1994年5月去世,其合作者仍然以Joseph E.Shigley教授的名義出版修訂版至目前的第七版。修訂版繼續(xù)沿用原教材的基本內(nèi)容和編寫體系,可見該教材深受美國業(yè)內(nèi)人士的廣泛認(rèn)同和歡迎。書中內(nèi)容涵蓋了設(shè)計(jì)過程、工程力學(xué)與材料、靜載荷與動載荷下的防止失效、典型機(jī)械零部件設(shè)計(jì)等內(nèi)容,提供了大量解決工程實(shí)際問題的方法和實(shí)例。該教材一直受到我國從事機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)教學(xué)和研究人員的重視。作為國外的教材,高等教育出版社曾組織該書第三版(1980年)和第四版(1988年)的翻譯出版工作,從而使國內(nèi)同行深入了解和掌握美國機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)相關(guān)課程的教學(xué)內(nèi)容、體系、方法和發(fā)展,取得了很好的效果。機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社于2002年出版了該書(第六版)的英文影印版,為國內(nèi)機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)課程的雙語教學(xué)起到了積極的推動作用。
Mechanical Engineering Design為美國密歇根大學(xué)Joseph E.Shigley教授等著,是美國大學(xué)廣泛使用的一本機(jī)械工程設(shè)計(jì)教材,具有極高的權(quán)威性。1956年,Joseph E.Shigley教授獨(dú)自開始編寫機(jī)械工程設(shè)計(jì)教材,后逐漸發(fā)展成為目前的機(jī)械工程設(shè)計(jì)教材。Joseph E.Shigley于1994年5月去世,其合作者仍然以Joseph E.Shigley教授的名義出版修訂版至目前的第七版。修訂版繼續(xù)沿用原教材的基本內(nèi)容和編寫體系,可見該教材深受美國業(yè)內(nèi)人士的廣泛認(rèn)同和歡迎。書中內(nèi)容涵蓋了設(shè)計(jì)過程、工程力學(xué)與材料、靜載荷與動載荷下的防止失效、典型機(jī)械零部件設(shè)計(jì)等內(nèi)容,提供了大量解決工程實(shí)際問題的方法和實(shí)例。該教材一直受到我國從事機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)教學(xué)和研究人員的重視。作為國外權(quán)威性教材,高等教育出版社曾組織該書第三版(1980年)和第四版(1988年)的翻譯出版工作,從而使國內(nèi)同行深入了解和掌握美國機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)相關(guān)課程的教學(xué)內(nèi)容、體系、方法和發(fā)展,取得了很好的效果。機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社于2002年出版了該書(第六版)的英文影印版,為國內(nèi)機(jī)械設(shè)計(jì)課程的雙語教學(xué)起到了積極的推動作用。
1 Introduction
1-1 Design
1-2 Mechanical Engineering Design
1-3 Interaction between Design Process Elements
1-4 Design Tools and Resources
1-5 The Design Engineers Professional Responsibilities
1-6 Codes and Standards
1-7 Economics
1-8 Safety and Product Liability
1-9 The Adequacy Assessment
1-10 Uncertainty
1-11 Stress and Strength
1-12 Design Factor and Factor of Safety
1-13 Reliability
1-14 Units and Preferred Units
1-15 Calculations and Significant Figures
2 Failture Resulting from Static Loading
2-1 Static Strength
2-2 Stress Concentration
2-3 Failure Theories
2-4 Maximum-Shear-Stress Theory for Ductile Materials
2-5 Distortion-Energy Theory for Ductile Materials
2-6 Coulomb-Mohr Theory for Ductile Materials
2-7 Failure of Ductile Materials Summary
2-8 Maximum-Normal-Stress Theory for Brittle Materials
2-9 Modifications of the Mohr Theory for Brittle Materials
2-10 Failure of Brittle Materials Summary
2-11 Selection of Failure Criteria
2-12 Static or Quasi-Static Loading on a Shaft
2-13 Introduction to Fracture Mechanics
2-14 Stochastic Analysis
3 Fatigue Failture Resulting from Variable Loading
3-1 Introduction to Fatigue in Metals
3-2 Approach to Fatigue Failure in Analysis and Design
3-3 Fatigue-Life Methods
3-4 The Stress-Life Method
3-5 The Strain-Life Method
3-6 The Linear-Elastic Fracture Mechanics Method
3-7 The Endurance Limit
3-8 Fatigue Strength
3-9 Endurance Limit Modifying Factors
3-10 Stress Concentration and Notch Sensitivity
3-11 Characterizing Fluctuating Stresses
3-12 Fatigue Failure Criteria for Fluctuating Stress
3-13 Torsional Fatigue Strength under Fluctuating Stresses
3-14 Combinations of Loading Modes
3-15 Varying, Fluctuating Stresses; Cumulative Fatigue Damage
3-16 Surface Fatigue Strength
3-17 Stochastic Analysis
4 Flexible Mechanical Elements
4-1 Belts
4-2 Flat-and Round-Beh Drives
4-3 V Belts
4-4 Timing Belts
4-5 Roller Chain
4-6 Wire Rope
4-7 Flexible Shafts
5 Gears——Force Analysis
5-1 Force Analysis——Spur Gearing
5-2 Force Analysis——Bevel Gearing
5-3 Force Analysis——Helical Gearing
5-4 Force Analysis——Worm Gearing
6 Spur and Helical Gears
6-1 The Lewis Bending Equation
6-2 Surface Durability
6-3 AGMA Stress Equations
6-4 AGMA Strength Equations
6-5 Geometry Factors I and J
6-6 The Elastic Coefficient
6-7 Dynamic Factor K
6-8 Overload Factor Ko
6-9 Surface Condition Factor C,
6-10 Size Factor K
6-11 Load-Distribution Factor K
6-12 Hardness-Ratio Factor
6-13 Stress Cycle Life Factors Y and Z
6-14 Reliability Factor K2 ( Yz )
6-15 Temperature Factor KT (Y2)
6-16 Rim-Thickness Factor K
6-17 Safety Factors S and Ss
6-18 Analysis
6-19 Design of a Gear Mesh
7 Bevel and Worm Gears
7-1 Bevel Gearing-General
7-2 Bevel-Gear Stresses and Strengths
7-3 AGMA Equation Factors
7-4 Straight-Bevel Gear Analysis
7-5 Design of a Straight-Bevel Gear Mesh
7-6 Worm Gearing——AGMA Equation
7-7 Worm-Gear Analysis
7-8 Designing a Worm-Gear Mesh
7-9 Buckingham Wear Load
8 Lubrication and Journal Bearings
8-1 Types of Lubrication
8-2 Viscosity
8-3 Petroffs Equation
8-4 Stable Lubrication
8-5 Thick-Film Lubrication
8-6 Hydrodynamic Theory
8-7 DEsign Considerations
8-8 The Relations of the Variables
8-9 Steady-State Conditions in Self-Contained Bearings
8-10 Clearance
8-11 Pressure-Fed Bearings
8-12 Loads and Materials
8-13 Bearing Types
8-14 Thrust Bearings
8-15 Boundary-Lubricated Bearings
9 Rolling-Contact Bearings
9-1 Bearing Types
9-2 Bearing Life
9-3 Bearing Load Life at Rated Reliability
9-4 Bearing Survival: Reliability versus Life
9-5 Relating Load, Life, and Reliability
9-6 Combined Radial and Thrust Loading
9-7 Variable Loading
9-8 Selection of Ball and Cylindrical Roller Bearings
9-9 Selection of Tapered Roller Bearings
10 Shafts and Axles
11 Screws, Fasteners, and the Design of Nonpermanent Joints
12 Clutches, Brakes, Couplings, and Flywheels
13 Mechanical Springs
Appendix A Useful Tables
Appendix B Answers to Selected Problems