定 價(jià):59 元
- 作者:施巍松 編
- 出版時(shí)間:2010/10/1
- ISBN:9787040290639
- 出 版 社:高等教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:TP303
- 頁碼:267
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
The field of computer systems is the core of computer science, and is concerned with how todesign and implement a \"good\" system that is able to satisfy a variety of requirements and needsfrom end users and applications. The definition of \"good\" depends on to whom we are talking,and it could\" mean one or several of these basic requirements, to name a few: reliability, scalability,availability, usability, adaptability, agility, dependability, and performability. We envision that moreand more new requirements will emerge as computing becomes more and more transparent andembedded in our daily life. This unstoppable trend, however, brings great challenge to futurecomputer systems designers and practitioners. There is a gap between what the students learnedin the classroom and what they are going to build in the real world. The goal of this book is topresent the fundamental knowledge and techniques by laying out the foundations for the studentswho want to become researchers in the general area of computer systems. The book is intended forboth senior undergraduate students and junior graduate students in the fields of computer scienceand computer engineering. Practitioners and systems designers in industry and research laboratorieswill find the book a very useful reference. One important principle guiding the writing of this bookis that it should contain the material I would want my own students to learn before beginning theirresearch.
The focus of systems research has changed considerably since the inception of computers. How-ever, we have witnessed that several fundamental techniques and principles have been frequentlyused in systems research in the last fifty years. The goal of this book is to provide beginning com-puter systems researchers enough background for undertaking further systems research in theircareer path. The philosophy of this book is foundation, in other words, only the techniques thatwill at least survive for more than 10 years are selected.
施巍松,美國韋恩州立大學(xué)計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)系副教授,移動和因特網(wǎng)系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)實(shí)驗(yàn)室主任,可持續(xù)計(jì)算實(shí)驗(yàn)室主任。美國國家科學(xué)基金會杰出青年教授獎獲得者,全國百篇優(yōu)秀博士論文獲得者。IEEE資深會員,IEEE Internet Computing及Joumal of Parallel and Distriibuted Computinq客座編輯,Journal of Computer Scierice and Techology及International Journal of Sensor Networks編委。施巍松博士的研究興趣包括計(jì)算機(jī)系統(tǒng)和可持續(xù)計(jì)算等。
Part I General
1.1 Top Systems Conferences/Journals
1.2 How to Read a Research Paper
1.3 How to Write a Research Paper
1.3.1 Abstract
1.3.2 Introduction
1.3.3 Background Information/Problem Statement
1.3.4 Your Approach
1.3.5 Implementation
1.3.6 Performance Evaluation
1.3.7 Related Work
1.3.8 Conclusions
1.3.9 Acknowledgement
1.3.10 References
1.3.11 Most Common Mistakes in Paper Writing
1.4 How to Give a Presentation
1.4.1 General Approach
1.4.2 Understanding the Paper
1.4.3 Adapting the Paper for Presentation
1.4.4 Slides
1.4.5 The Dry-Run
1.4.6 To Memorize or not to Memorize?
1.4.7 You Are on the Stage
1.4.8 Interacting with the Audience and Dealing with Questions
1.5 Final Words: On Being a Scientist
2 Rules of Thumb
2.1 Rules of Thumb
2.2 Further Readings
Part Ⅱ Design
3 Bloom Filters
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Standard Bloom Filters
3.2.1 Basic Idea of Bloom Filters
3.2.2 False Positive Rate Estimation
3.2.3 Optimal Number of Hash Functions
3.2.4 Another Method of Implementing
3.3 Counting Bloom Filters
3.4 Compressed Bloom Filters
3.5 D-left Counting Bloom Filters
3.5.1 D-left Hashing
3.5.2 D-left Counting Bloom Filters
3.5.3 Performance
3.6 Spectral Bloom Filters
3.6.1 Basic Principle of SBF
3.6.2 SBF Frequency Query Optimization
3.7 Dynamic Counting Bloom Filters
3.8 Case Studies
3.8.1 Case Study 1: Summary Cache
3.8.2 Case Study 2: IP Traceback
3.9 Conclusion.
4 Distributed Hash Tables
4.1 Introduction
4.2 An Overview of DHT
4.3 The Overlay Network of DHT
4.4 Chord: An Implementation of DHT.
4.4.1 Topology of Chord
4.4.2 Key Lookup in Chord
4.4.3 Dynamic Updates and Failure Recovery
4.5 Case Study 1: Cooperative Domain Name System (CoDoNS)
4.5.1 Background and Motivation
4.5.2 Overview of the System
4.5.3 DHT in CoDoNS
4.5.4 Evaluation
4.6 Case Study 2: Cooperative File System (CFS)
4.6.1 Background and Motivation.
4.6.2 Overview of the System
4.6.3 DHT in CFS
4.6.4 Evaluation
5 Locality Sensitive Hashing
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Basic Idea of LSH
5.1.2 The Origin of LSH
5.2 Overview.
5.2.1 The Definition
5.2.2 Properties of LSH
5.2.3 Several LSH Families
5.2.4 Approximate Nearest Neighbor
5.3 Case Study 1: Large-Scale Sequence Comparison
5.3.1 Theory
5.3.2 Algorithm Complexity
5.3.3 Implementation Details
5.3.4 Results
5.4 Case Study 2: Image Retrieval
5.4.1 Motivation
5.4.2 The Problems of Existing Approaches
5.4.3 The System
5.4.4 Results
6 XOR Operations
6.1 Introduction
6.2 XOR Operation
6.2.1 Truth Table
6.2.2 Set Diagrams
6.3 XOR Properties
6.4 Compress with XOR
6.4.1 Case Study 1: XOR-linked list
6.4.2 Case Study 2: XOR swap algorithm.
6.5 Fault Tolerance
6.5.1 Case Study 3: Hamming (7,4) code
6.5.2 Hamming Codes with Additional Parity
6.5.3 Case Study 4: RAID
6.6 Case Study 5: Feistel Cipher
6.7 Case Study 6: Kademlia
6.7.1 XOR Metric in Kademlia
6.7.2 Routing Table in Kademlia
6.7.3 Kademlia Protocol
6.8 Conclusion.
7 Adaptation
8 Optimistic Replication.
9 Reputation and Trust
10 Moving Average
Part Ⅲ Implementation
Part Ⅳ Evalution