定 價(jià):48 元
- 作者:龍超 編
- 出版時(shí)間:2018/1/1
- ISBN:9787503894633
- 出 版 社:中國林業(yè)出版社
- 中圖法分類:F336.162
- 頁碼:59
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
Strong social, economic and cultural connections exist among economies across Central and Northern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and Greater Central Asia (GCA)。 The GCA region, in the widest sense, encompasses Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and western China and harbors unique biodiversity。Various species of fauna and flora mingle with endemic species not found elsewhere。Forests in this region are vital natural resources that provide important environmental services including climate regulation, soil protection, clean water supply and many more。They also play a leading role in socio-economic development, supplying people with food,fuel, medicinal plants and recreational areas。 Meanwhile, forests are suffering the effects of increasingly severe land degradation and desertification due to a host of natural and human factors。 The most significant of these factors include overgrazing, land clearing for agricultural use, illegal logging and poaching, firewood collection, excessive water consumption, and insufficient financial and technical support。Economies in GCA are actively involved in international and regional commitments focused on climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation and desertification control。 However,a comprehensive overview of the history, status and outlook of forestry development in GCA has been lacking。Given this, the Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet) identified the GCA region as one of its seven geographical priority areas for strategic interventions。 Desk research and field surveys have been conducted since 2014 with the financial support of the Department of Science and Technology (DST) of the State Forest Administration of China (SFA), the active involvement of officials from different forest authorities, as well as consultants from international organizations, which has culminated in a series of six books being published。This book, one of the six, gives a holistic overview of the current state of forests and forestry,the contribution of forests to economic development, forestry policies and legislation, and forestry education and research, in Kazakhstan。 In particular, sustainable forest management best practices in relation to soil and water conservation, desertification control, forest fire and disease prevention, biodiversity conservation and rehabilitation of degraded forests etc。, are covered in-depth。We hope that this book will be of value to foresters, from policy makers to grass root practitioners and those working in forest authorities, academia, international organizations and civil society organizations who have an interest in forestry development in Kazakhstan。
Chapter 1 Current state of forests and forestry
1.1 General information of the economy
1.2 Current situation of forest resources
1.3 Land use status
1.4 Afforestation and reforestation
1.5 Urban forestry
1.6 Community-based forestry
1.7 Production, consumption and trade of forest products
Chapter 2 Contribution of forests to economic development
2.1 Economic and environmental significance of forests and woodlands
2.2 Financing and investment in forests and forestry
2.3 Forests, livelihoods and poverty
Chapter 3 Forestry policy and legislation
3.1 Forest policy and institutional framework
3.2 Short-term and long-term planning for forestry development
3.3 The history and future of forestry development
Chapter 4 Best practices for sustainable forest management
4.1 Soil and water conservation
4.2 Desertification control
4.3 Protection and restoration of degraded agricultural land
4.4 Salinization control
4.5 Forest fires and pest control
4.6 Biodiversity conservation
4.7 Rehabilitation of degraded forests
4.8 Comprehensive utilization of forest resources and non-timber forest products
Chapter 5 Forestry education and research
5.1 Forestry education
5.2 Technical capacity of forestry agencies
5.3 Capacity-building, information systems and research institutions on sustainable land management
Chapter 6 Forestry projects and initiatives
Chapter 7 International forestry cooperation mechanisms