1 Surface and Interface Physics: Its Definition and Importance
Panel Ⅰ: Ultrahigh Vacuum (UHV) Technology
Panel Ⅱ: Basics of Particle Optics and Spectroscopy
2 Preparation ofWell-Defined Surfaces,lnterfaces and Thin Films
2.1 Why Is Ultrahigh Vacuum Used?
2.2 Cleavage in UHV
2.3 Ion Bombardment and Annealing
2.4 Evaporation and Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)
2.5 Epitaxy by Means of Chemical Reactions
Panel Ⅲ: Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES)
Panel Ⅳ:Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS)
3 Morphology and Structure ofSurfaces,lnterfaces and Thin Films
3.1 Surface Stress, Surface Energy, and Macroscopic Shape
3.2 Relaxation, Reconstruction, and Defects
3.3 Two-Dimensional Lattices, Superstructure, and Reciprocal Space
3.3.1 Surface Lattices and Superstructures
3.3.2 2D Reciprocal Lattice
3.4 Structural Models of Solid-Solid Interfaces
3.5 Nucleation and Growth of Thin Films
3.5.1 Modes of Film Growth
3.5.2 "Capillary Model" of Nucleation
3.6 Film-Growth Studies: Experimental Methods and Some Results
Panel V: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Microprobe Techniques
Panel VI: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
PaneI VII:Surface Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structur (SEXAFS)
4 Scattering from Surfaces and Thin Films
4.1 Kinematic Theory of Surface Scattering
4.2 The Kinematic Theory of Low-Energy Electron Diffraction
4.3 What Can We Learn from Inspection of a LEED Pattern?
4.4 Dynamic LEED Theory, and Structure Analysis
4.4.1 Matching Formalism
4.4.2 Multiple-Scattering Formalism
4.4.3 Structure Analysis
4.5 Kinematics of an Inelastic Surface Scattering Experiment
4.6 Dielectric Theory of Inelastic Electron Scattering
4.6.1 Bulk Scattering
4.6.2 Surface Scattering
4.7 Dielectric Scattering on a Thin Surface Layer
4.8 Some Experimental Examples of Inelastic Scattering of Low-Energy Electrons at Surfaces
4.9 The Classical Limit of Particle Scattering
4.10 Conservation Laws for Atomic Collisions: Chemical Surface Analysis
4.11 Rutherford BackScattering (RBS): Channeling and Blocking
Panel VIII: Low-Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) and Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED)
Panel IX: Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS)
5 Surface Phonons
5.1 The Existence of "Surface" Lattice Vibrations on a Linear Chain .
5.2 Extension to a Three-Dimensional Solid with a Surface
5.3 Rayleigh Waves
5.4 The Use of Rayleigh Waves as High-Frequency Filters
5.5 Surface-Phonon (Plasmon) Polaritons
5.6 Dispersion Curves from Experiment and from Realistic Calculations
Panel X: Atom and Molecular Beam Scattering
6 Electronic Surface States
6.1 Surface States for a Semi-Infinite Chain in the Nearly-Free Electron Model
6.2 Surface States of a 3D Crystal and Their Charging Character
6.2.1 Intrinsic Surface States
6.2.2 Extrinsic Surface States
6.3 Aspects of Photoemission Theory
6.3.1 General Description
6.3.2 Angle-Integrated Photoemission
6.3.3 Bulk- and Surface-State Emission
6.3.4 Symmetry of Initial States and Selection Rules
6.3.5 Many-Body Aspects
6.4 Some Surface-State Band Structures for Metals
6.4.1 s- and p-like Surface States
6.4.2 d-like Surface States
6.4.3 Empty and Image-Potential Surface States
6.5 Surface States on Semiconductors
6.5.1 Elemental Semiconductors
6.5.2 III-V Compound Semiconductors
6.5.3 Group III Nitrides
6.5.4 II-VI Compound Semiconductors
Panel XI: Photoemission and Inverse Photoemission
7 Space-Charge Layers at Semiconductor Interfaces
7.1 Origin and Classification of Space-Charge Layers
7.2 The Schottky Depletion Space-Charge Layer
7.3 Weak Space-Charge Layers
7.4 Space-Charge Layers on Highly Degenerate Semiconductors ...
7.5 The General Case of a Space-Charge Layer and Fermi-level Pinning
7.6 Quantized Accumulation and Inversion Layers
7.7 Some Particular Interfaces and Their Surface Potentials
7.8 The Silicon MOS Field-Effect Transistor
7.9 Magnetic Field Induced Quantization
7.10 Two-Dimensional Plasmons
Panel XII: Optical Surface Techniques
8 Metal-Semiconductor Junctions and Semiconductor Heterostructures
8.1 General Principles Governing the Electronic Structure of Solid-Solid Interfaces
8.2 Metal-Induced Gap States (MIGS) at the Metal-Semiconductor Interface
8.3 Virtual Induced Gap States (VIGS) at the Semiconductor Heterointerface
8.4 Structure- and Chemistry-Dependent Models of Interface States.
8.5 Some Applications of Metal-Semiconductor Junctions and Semiconductor Heterostructures
8.5.1 Schottky Barriers
8.5.2 Semiconductor Heterojunctions and Modulation Doping.
8.5.3 The High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT)
8.6 Quantum Effects in 2D Electron Gases at Semiconductor Interfaces
Panel XIII: Electrical Measurements of Schottky-Barrier Heights and Band Offsets
9 Collective Phenomena at Interfaces: Superconductivity and Ferromagnetism
9.1 Superconductivity at Interfaces
9.1.1 Some General Remarks
9.1.2 Fundamentals of Superconductivity
9.1.3 Andreev Reflection
9.1.4 A Simple Model for Transport Through a Normal Conductor-Superconductor Interface
9.2 Josephson Junctions with Ballistic Transport
9.2.1 Josephson Effects
9.2.2 Josephson Currents and Andreev Levels
9.2.3 Subharmonic Gap Structures
9.3 An Experimental Example of a Superconductor-Semiconductor 2DEG-Superconductor Josephson Junction
9.3.1 Preparation of the Nb-2DEG-Nb Junction
9.3.2 Critical Currents Through the Nb-2DEG-Nb Junction
9.3.3 The Current Carrying Regime
9.3.4 Supercurrent Control by Non-equilibrium Carriers
9.4 Ferromagnetism at Surfaces and within Thin Films
9.4.1 The Band Model of Ferromagnetism
9.4.2 Ferromagnetism in Reduced Dimensions
9.5 Magnetic Quantum Well States
9.6 Magnetic Interlayer Coupling
9.7 Giant Magnetoresistance and Spin-Transfer Torque Mechanism ...
9.7.1 Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR)
9.7.2 Magnetic Anisotropies and Magnetic Domains
9.7.3 Spin-Transfer Torque Effect: A Magnetic Switching Device
Panel XIV: Magneto-optical Characterization: Kerr Effect
Panel XV: Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (SP-STM)
10 Adsorption on Solid Surfaces
10.1 Physisorption
10.2 Chemisorption
10.3 Work-Function Changes Induced by Adsorbates
10.4 Two-Dimensional Phase Transitions in Adsorbate Layers
10.5 Adsorption Kinetics
Panel XVI: Desorption Techniques
Panel XVII: Kelvin-Probe and Photoemission Measurements for the Study of Work-Function Changes and Semiconductor Interfaces