Contents: Basic issues of Joint Operations are dedicated in the book. The
contents include basic concepts, the mechanism, function and organization of
Joint Operations; joint /combined cooperation and interoperability; command and
control (C2); information support system of Joint Operations; and advanced
theories in post information age, i.e. Network Centric Warfare (NCW) and
Cyberspace Operations (CO). This book can be used as a teaching book for
overseas students from English-speaking countries, a teaching material for
domestic undergraduate and postgraduate level military basic theory courses,
and a research reference for Joint Operations.
Joint Operations are destined to
be complex endeavors. As denoted by General Omar N. Bradley, it takes all our services together plus the
industrial efforts of our Nation to win any major war. Since the operation
theory and principles of Cyberspace were presented by the government and
Pentagon of U.S.
in 2011, Joint Operation has evolved into a new version. In post information age,
Joint Operation is facing much more challenges and opportunities, which are
promoted by the information and networks, and other closely related reform,
such as the theory of system operation based on information system, the
revolution of military power structure adjustment, regulation and operations.
The manuscript of Basic
Introduction of Joint Operations (BIJO) was first put forward in 2014 to meet
the requirements of English language overseas students teaching of Joint
Operations. And after 4 years trial, adjustment and optimization, the revised
version is now formally presented. It should be announced that most of the contents
are from teaching resources and presentations of overseas students in this
In the process of designing, compiling
and optimizing, the revised version was encouraged and tended to contain more complex
factors and essential elements of warfare. The Joint Publication, which is a
document published by the U.S.
military as a combat program, provides regulations to guide the daily military
activities of the U.S.
military, and offers the prediction for the future development direction of the
military. Joint Operations in Joint Publication released by U.S. in 2016 reflected the current guidance for
conducting joint activities across the range of military operations, and the
release is the basis for U.S.
participation in multinational operations while specific doctrines or
procedures have not been ratified. What is more, with the development of
military informatization, Joint Operations will comprise more information
elements of post information age warfare. But what are the elements involved?
How would the elements implement and act effectively in fast rhythm? When
considering Network Centric Warfare and Cyberspace Operation, what should the coming
version be?
The contents are organized in 7
chapters. Chapter I is the introduction of Joint Operations, including its impression,
concepts and components, characteristics and principles. Chapter II shows the
mechanism, function and organization of Joint Operations, and the idea and
detail are revised based on recent Joint Publisher of U.S.. Chapter III focuses on the
joint/combined cooperation and interoperability, meanwhile Command and Control
in Chapter IV, and Information Support System in Chapter V. These chapters
demonstrate the main contents in Joint Operations. As the advances of Joint
Operations theory, Network Centric Warfare (NCW) and
Cyberspace Operations (CO) are given in
Chapter VI and VII. The two chapters are applied commonly in conceived special
topic teaching and seminars, while they can also serve the purpose of research
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