1 Elements of Petroleum Reservoir
1.3 Fluid Content of the Reservoir
1.4 Definitioand Causes of Wettability
1.5 Determinatioof Wettability by Contact Angle
1.6 Deterrrunatioof Wettability by Relative Permeability
1.7 Two-phase Relative Permeability
1.8 Three-phase Relative Permeability
1.9 Effects of SaturatioStates oPermeability
1.10 Effects of Temperature oPermeability
1.12 Types of Reservoir Heterogeneities
1.13 Classificatioand Definitioof Fracture
1.14 Wettability Influence oMultiphase Flow
1.15 Gas and Condensate Reservoirs
2 Reservoir Engineering
2.1 Derivatioof MateriaIBalance Equation
2.2 Features of Material Balance Equation
2.3 The Material Balance Expressed as a Linear
2.4 The MaterialBalance of Gascap Drive
2.5 NaturaIWaterDrive
2.6 NaturalWaterlnflux
2.7 Factors Affecting Waterflood Oil Recovery
2.8 Practical Use of Waterflood PredictioMethods
2.9 HistoricaIDevelopment ofWaterflooding
2.10 Improve Waterflooding
2.11 Conditions of Solutioof the Basic Radial Flow
2.12 The Constant Terminal Rate Solutioof the Radial Diffusivity Equation
3 0ilfieldDevelopment
3.1 Reservoir ProductioMechanisms N
3.3 SolutioGas Drive
3.4 Gas Cap Drive and Gravity Drainage
3.8 Displacement Efficiency
3.9 Water Tonguing and Viscous Fingering
3.10 Advantages and Limitations of Pilot Floods
3.11 Estimating Drainage Volume
3.13 Factors Affecting Selectioof Waterflood
3.14 ProductioMechanism of a Fractured Reservoir
4 Improved Recovery
5 Completioand Flowing
6 Rod Systems
7 Rodless Systems
8 Reservoir Stimulation
9 Special Problems of Oil Well Production