《病理解剖攝影圖譜》優(yōu)先選用大體病理解剖圖片,許多病例仍輔以顯微照片,在診斷必要時(如骨病理)輔之以放射線照片。這不僅可幫助讀者增強對大體解剖病變的理解,而且對鑒別診斷大有裨益,因為類似的大體特征可能由不同的疾病造成! 恫±斫馄蕯z影圖譜》并非縮略的病理學教科書。它旨在提供“視覺輔助記憶”,并作為主要病理學或臨床教科書的補充參考書使用,《病理解剖攝影圖譜》出版之意義即在于此。
List of Contributors
Chapter 1 Basics in General Pathology GRF Krueger
Chapter 2 Cardiovascular Pathology LM Buja
Chapter 3 Pathology of the Respiratory Tract GRF Krueger and M Wagner
Chapter 4 Pathology of the Gastrointestinal Tract J Xiao, D Tan, M Wagner and GRF Krueger
Chapter 5 Pathology of Liver, Biliary System and Exocrine Pancreas Z Qu and CK Ryan
Chapter 6 Pathology of Urinary System and the Male Genital Tract LM Buja and J Xiao
Chapter 7 Pathology of Breast and the Female Genital Tract LM Buja and J Xiao
Chapter 8 Pathology of the Hematopoietic and Lymphatic Tissues GRF Krueger
Chapter 9 Pathology of Bones and Soft Tissues J Mika and LK Culton
Chapter 10 Pathology of Skin and Adnexa C Assaf and W Sterry
Chapter 11 Endocrine Pathology RA DeLellis, J Xiao and GRF Krueger
Chapter 12 Ear, Nose and Throat Pathology JP Klussmann, M Stenner and 0 Guntinas-Lichius
Chapter 13 Pathology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous SystemS Papasozomenos
Chapter 14 Pathology of the Eye M Wang and RW Yee