Female Image and Canon Reconstruction: from Hawthorne to Updike 女性形象與經(jīng)典重構(gòu):從霍桑到厄普代克
定 價:45 元
- 作者:張秦, 錢亞旭, 著
- 出版時間:2019/1/1
- ISBN:9787564368579
- 出 版 社:西南交通大學出版社
- 中圖法分類:G210
- 頁碼:
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16K
To sum up, the changes of the meaning of the letter 'A' and the corresponding changes of Hester's identity iThe Scarlet Letter are significant. Since the era of Adam and Eva, womehave lost the power of free will and have beedeprived of the right to *ke their owdecisions. They have beechained by the 'original sin', believing th* it is their disobedience to God's will th* bring them the torture. Yet Hester has a strong convi*ioth* she has the right to determine her owdestiny. The English feminist Juliet Mitchell once addresses the oppressioof womeand *tributes women's oppressed life to four aspe*s-produ*ion, reprodu*ion, ual life and socializ*ion. Iher eyes, only whethese four aspe*s are reshaped, cawomeget truly liber*ion. Hester a*ually follows Mitchell's advice iher rebellioagainst Puritanism. As a result, she controls her owf*e, achieves her goal and *kes he*elf a feminist precu*or struggling for wo*n's equal right and independence.
IS., JohUpdike revives Hester and for the fi*t time writes exclusively ia wo*n's voice. Sarah Price Worth, the 20th century Hester Prynne, thus is born. Sarah is a rare upper-class chara*er for JohUpdike, who has a possessioof almost everything *terial iher life while living ithe constant void.
At the age of 42, Sarah decisively divorces her husband Charles Worth, leaves her wealthy family and heads for aAshram ithe westerwildness to seek her spiritual fulfillment. Like Hester, Sarah finds he*elf physically, morally and literally lost ia desert. Hence, desert be*es a tokeof enlightenment and a p*h to liber*iowhere she is expe*ed to shed the clutter of the real world and find her spiritual illumin*ion.
Ifa*, desert has always beewhere new life starts. It is where Sarah's biblical namesake, the ancestress of Israel once roams and where she dreams of bearing a baby wheshe is overly ripe. Likewise, Sarah steps into the desert ipu*uit of a spiritual rebirth * her middle age. And the two Sarahs both *ke their way through despite severe social antagonisms.
Sarah Price Worth is a heroine imythical and psychological terms. Her growth has undergone three stages as indic*ed by her name changes.
Fi*t, she is Sarah Worth, a baffled wo*defined by her husband and the Judea-Christiap*riarchal society. With a *mitment to change her previously bored suburbalife, she abandons her gardeithe Biblical sense and sets out for a new home established othe basis of the Eastertradition.
Theshe be*es Kundalini, aenamored follower of a Hindu mystic called the Arh*, for whom she contributes substantial mo*ary gifts as well as her talents. However, her inf*u*iowith the ashram's spiritual leader has turned out to be nothing but a s*ire because she he*elf has be*e wh* she denounces. Gradually she be*es aware of the hypocrisy of the Arh* and othe*, un*sks the fake and absconds with embezzled funds.
As the story ends, Sarah has growinto Rare Sarah who lives ia s*ll cottage by the sea eventually finding the peace with he*elf. She is alone but by no means lonely, Sarah Price Worth thus has paid the price to be*e Rare Sarah,
Sarah's heroic quest zigs and zags ia p*terbefitting the shape of S, the title of the book. She *tempts to explore the meanings oflife through *terial possessioor religious pra*ice but doesn't *ke it until she finds her owvalue. Her a*iosuggests a parallel betweechakra ascensioand psychological growth iJungi*erms. Her names refle* stages iher growth, psychologically and mythically: As Sarah Price Worth and Kundalini, she has allowed meto be her gods no *tter ithe Occidental or Oriental systems, while Rare Sarah through her earnest seeking has eventually *de he*elf a hero and found truth by he*elf.
Sarah Worthis one of Updike's most sharp-eyed observe*. Her confident, spirited and refle*ive responses to her adventure provide both a descriptioof the moderwo*n's self-sufficiency and a s*ire of moderAmericalove and faith.
The two fe*le protagonists of different ages bear gre* resemblance to each other. Fi*t of all, they look *ch alike-both with dark and abundant hair and a richness of *ple*o(SL 53). As a descendant of the Prynne family, Sarah takes after Hester not only iappearance but also ichara*e* and their experiences.
'Sarah Worth is...a contemporary Hester: rebellious, strong willed, tough, energetic and defiant.,.Like her ancestress, Sarah is also stifled, imprisoned and betrayed by a p*riarchal system and she too is ipu*uit of aaltern*ive life style' (UV 96).