定 價(jià):92 元
- 作者:張毓 著
- 出版時(shí)間:2020/2/1
- ISBN:9787313223005
- 出 版 社:上海交通大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:H03
- 頁(yè)碼:220
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
《學(xué)術(shù)文本概指名詞的特征性型式與局部功能(英文版)/當(dāng)代外國(guó)語(yǔ)言文學(xué)研究前沿文庫(kù)》是“當(dāng)代外國(guó)語(yǔ)言文學(xué)研究前沿文庫(kù)”之一,基于大型學(xué)術(shù)英語(yǔ)可比語(yǔ)料庫(kù)Beijing CARR(Beijing Collection of Academic Research Essays),以Sinclair。的語(yǔ)料庫(kù)語(yǔ)言學(xué)理論和Mahlberg的局部文本功能為理論框架,探索中國(guó)學(xué)者學(xué)術(shù)文本中的高頻概指名詞及其復(fù)現(xiàn)的共選型式和特征性意義或局部功能!秾W(xué)術(shù)文本概指名詞的特征性型式與局部功能(英文版)/當(dāng)代外國(guó)語(yǔ)言文學(xué)研究前沿文庫(kù)》采用多種對(duì)比分析方法,發(fā)現(xiàn)概指名詞通過(guò)與局部環(huán)境中的局部文本要素共選,實(shí)現(xiàn)多種語(yǔ)篇功能和評(píng)價(jià)功能。此外,研究還發(fā)現(xiàn)概指名詞的評(píng)價(jià)功能具有雙重性特征:概指名詞的評(píng)價(jià)行為可出現(xiàn)于多種語(yǔ)篇型式中,成為構(gòu)成各語(yǔ)篇型式必不可少的組成部分!秾W(xué)術(shù)文本概指名詞的特征性型式與局部功能(英文版)/當(dāng)代外國(guó)語(yǔ)言文學(xué)研究前沿文庫(kù)》為理解學(xué)術(shù)文本概指名詞的本質(zhì)與特征尤其是雙重和多重功能研究提供了新視角,對(duì)學(xué)術(shù)英語(yǔ)寫作教學(xué)具有潛在的重要啟示意義,可促使相關(guān)人員及學(xué)習(xí)者關(guān)注概指名詞的共選型式、特征性意義以及其雙重功能。《學(xué)術(shù)文本概指名詞的特征性型式與局部功能(英文版)/當(dāng)代外國(guó)語(yǔ)言文學(xué)研究前沿文庫(kù)》可供語(yǔ)料庫(kù)語(yǔ)言學(xué)以及學(xué)術(shù)寫作等領(lǐng)域的研究人員使用。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background
1.2 Objectives of this study
1.3 Significance of this study
1.4 Organization of the book
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Analytical approaches to general nounsi
2.1.1 The textual cohesion approach
2.1.2 The clause relational approach
2.1.3 The systemic functional analysis
2.1.4 The cognitive approach
2.1.5 The applied linguistics analysis
2.1.6 The Sinclairian corpus linguistic approach
2.2 The local grammar approach
2.2.1 A form-oriented local grammar
2.2.2 A function-oriented local grammar
2.3 Methods of identifying general nouns
2.3.1 The manual identification method
2.3.2 The pattern-based method
2.3.3 The frequency-based method
2.4 General nouns in academic writing
2.4.1 The stance-marking function of general nouns in academic writing
2.4.2 The cohesive function of general nouns in academic writing
2.4.3 Limitations of previous studies
2.5 Summary
Chapter 3 Research Design and Methodology
3.1 Analytical framework
3.1.1 Sinclairian extended units of meaning
3.1.2 The local textual functions
3.1.3 The local grammar of evaluation
3.2 Working definition
3.3 Corpus to be used
3.4 Corpus tools and research procedures
3.5 Summary
Chapter 4 Overall Data of General Nouns
4.1 Overall distribution of general nouns
4.1.1 Overall frequencies of general nouns
4.1.2 The dispersion of general nouns
4.2 Semantic groups of general nouns
4.3 Distribution of general nouns across disciplines
4.3.1 Distribution of general nouns in the STUDY group across disciplines
4.3.2 Distribution of general nouns in the METHOD group across disciplines
4.3.3 Distribution of general noum in the Others group across disciplines
4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 Textual Functions Associated with General Nouns
5.1 Notions of textual functions
5.2 Overall data of co-selection patterns and textual functions
5.3 Textual functions of \"GN + V-reportingGN + BE + V-reporting\"
5.3.1 Reviewing previous studies
5.3.2 Presenting results
5.4 Textual functions of \"GN + (BE + ) V-research (X + ) V-research + GN\"
5.4.1 Reviewing previous studies
5.4.2 Outlining features of the present study
5.4.3 Dealing with results
5.4.4 Proposing methods
5.4.5 Characterizing methods
5.4.6 Dealing with effects
5.4.7 Describing circumstantial factors
5.5 Textual functions of \"PREP. + GN\"
5.5.1 Outlining features of the present study
5.5.2 Anchoring place, time and circumstantial factors
5.5.3 Evidential and framing marking
5.6 Other textual functions
5.6.1 Recommending future studies
5.6.2 Comparing results
5.6.3 Indicating effectsvalues
5.7 Discussion
5.7.1 Patterning features of general nouns for textual functions
5.7.2 Textual functions as discourse moves
5.7.3 The discourse strategies and textual functions
5.7.4 The localness of textual functions
5.7.5 Features of patterns for textual functions in Chinese scholars' research articles
5.8 Summary
Chapter 6 Evaluative Functions Associated with General Nouns
6.1 Notions of evaluative functions
6.2 The local grammar approach to evaluative functions associated with general nouns
6.3 General nouns as the evaluation carrier
6.3.1 METHOD nouns as the evaluation carrier
6.3.2 factor as the evaluation carrier
6.4 General nouns as the evaluated entity
6.4.1 RESULT nouns as the evaluated entity
6.4.2 METHOD nouns as the evaluated entity
6.4.3 EFFECT nouns as the evaluated entity
6.5 General nouns as the evaluative category
6.6 Evaluative functions and textual patterns
6.6.1 Clause relational approach and textual patterns
6.6.2 Distribution of textual patterns
6.6.3 General nouns in the Situation-Evaluation-Basis pattern
6.6.4 General nouns in the General-Particular pattern
6.6.5 General nouns in the Problem-Solution pattern
6.7 Discussion
6.7.1 Multiple functional roles in evaluation
6.7.2 Patterning features of general nouns for evaluative functions
6.7.3 Local semantic prosodies of general nouns
6.7.4 Double roles of general nouns
6.8 Summary
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Implications
7.1 Major findings
7.2 Implications
7.3 Limitations of the present study
1. Co-selection patterns of general nouns
2. 50 concordances for presenting results
3. 50 concordances for evidential and framing marking functions
4. 50 concordances for specifying places
5. Concordances in the Situation-Evaluation pattern
6. Concordances in the General-Particular pattern
7. Concordances in the Problem-Solution pattern