定 價:78 元
- 作者:依涵 著
- 出版時間:2020/5/1
- ISBN:9787313232434
- 出 版 社:上海交通大學出版社
- 中圖法分類:G212.2
- 頁碼:174
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
本書以評價理論(Appraisal Theory)為主要理論基礎,建構了中英文評價系統(tǒng)的對比分析框架;诖朔治隹蚣埽P者對選自《人民日報》和《紐約時報》的人物特寫語篇在態(tài)度資源使用、評價策略、評價介入以及語義歸一這四個維度上進行人工標記,并繪制評價資源分布圖。
依涵,外國語言學及應用語言學博士,北京語言大學外國語學部教師。主要研究方向:英漢語言對比、外語教學等。曾獲得“外教社杯”全國高校外語教學大賽北京賽區(qū)一等獎,北京語言大學青年教師教學基本功比賽一等獎,優(yōu)秀教學獎一等獎等。主持省部級、校級教改項目3項。北京市優(yōu)質本科課程負責人。在InternationalJournal of Mobile and Blended Learming,《山東外語教學》等期刊發(fā)表學術論文多篇。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Comparative news discourse studies-its significance and relevance
1.2 Defining profile as a genre of journalistic discourse
1.3 The objectivity and subjectivity of media discourse
1.4 Research questions
1.5 Methodology
1.6 The organization of the book
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Approaches to the study of journalistic discourse
2.1.1 The critical approach
2.1.2 The corpus linguistic approach
2.1.3 The systemic functional linguistic approach
2.2 Evaluation, stance and appraisal
2.2.1 Definitions
2.2.2 Functions of evaluative language and their realization
2.2.3 Approaches to study evaluation
2.3 Appraisal studies on news discourse
2.4 Comparative and contrastive studies of appraisal in profiles
Chapter 3 Modelling an Appraisal Framework for Comparative Analysis across Cultures
3.1 Appraisal situated in Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL)
3.1.1 SFL as a functional-semantic approach to language
3.1.2 Appraisal and metafunctions
3.1.3 Stratification and realization
3.1.4 Axis structure and system
3.1.5 Instantiation
3.1.6 The interface between language and culture
3.2 The analytical framework of Appraisal
3.2.1 Taxonomy of Appraisal Theory —— an overall account
3.2.2 Subsystems of Attitude
3.2.3 Engagement
3.2.4 Graduation
3.3 Modelling an appraisal framework for comparative analysis
3.3.1 The typological and topological relations of appraisal types
3.3.2 A framework for a comparative analysis of American and Chinese media discourse
Chapter 4 Data Collection and Annotation
4.1 Principles and methods of data selection for Comparative study
4.2 Annotation methodology
4.2.1 Bottom-up and top-down approaches
4.2.2 Reading positions
4.2.3 Unit of analysis
4.2.4 Ambiguity, overlapping and layered coding
Chapter 5 Distributions of Appraisal Resources in American and Chinese Profiles
5.1 The overall pattern of attitudinal resources
5.1.1 The attitudinal pattern in American profiles
5.1.2 The attitudinal pattern in Chinese profiles
5.1.3 A comparison of attitudinal resources between American and Chinese profiles
5.2 The overall pattern of Attitude in relation to Polarity
5.2.1 The pattern of Attitude in relation to Polarity in American profiles
5.2.2 The pattern of Attitude in relation to Polarity in Chinese profiles
5.2.3 A comparison of Attitude patterns in relation to Polarity between American and Chinese profiles
5.3 The strategies of attitude realization
5.3.1 The explicit and implicit realization of attitude in American profiles
5.3.2 The explicit and implicit realization of attitude in Chinese profiles
5.3.3 A comparison of attitude realization strategies between American and Chinese profiles
5.4 The pattern of Appraiser and Appraised
5.4.1 The pattern of Appraiser and Appraised in American profiles
5.4.2 The pattern of Appraiser and Appraised in Chinese profiles
5.4.3 A comparison of Appraiser and Appraised patterns between American and Chinese profiles
5.5 Judgement patterns in American and Chinese profiles
5.5.1 Judgement pattern in American profiles
5.5.2 Judgement pattern in Chinese profiles
5.5.3 A comparison of Judgement patterns between American and Chinese profiles
Chapter 6 Evaluative Patterns, Authorial Stance and Social Motivation
6.1 The interplay of Attitude resources in profiles
6.2 Evaluative keys, authorial voices and alignment strategies
6.2.1 Evaluative key of American profiles
6.2.2 Evaluative key of Chinese profiles
6.2.3 A Comparison of rhetorical effects and alignment strategies between American and Chinese profiles
6.3 Social values embodied in appraisal resources
6.3.1 Social values in American profiles
6.3.2 Social values in Chinese profiles
Chapter 7 Conclusion
7.1 Major research findings and conclusion
7.2 Contributions and limitations
7.3 Future directions for research