Neonates and premature babies represent the most vulnerable patient groupowing to their limited ability to negotiate their “unfamiliar” life after delivery.Therefore, a special environment using incubators is set up to provide homeo-stasis, for example, temperature.“Minimal handling” is one of the majorstrategies in neonatology, and every action must be balanced between possi-ble harms and benefits.
Almost 40 years have passed since the introduction of ultrasound in clini-cal use.Starting with obstetrics, many areas of the body can be scanned safelyby ultrasound; the most common investigations involve abdominal, urinarytract, gynecological, and obstetric sonography as well as echocardiography.Children differ in many respects from adults, including in their psychology,communication, circulation, body composition, and proportions, to name justa few.Depending on age, a variable, usually considerable, amount of theskeleton is not calcified but consists of cartilage.This presents new chal-lenges and possibilities for ultrasound.Owing to the reduced craniocaudalchest length compared to adults, the upper abdominal organs are less coveredby the rib cage, and in combination with, for example, the small amount ofintestinal fat content, high-quality images with excellent resolution can be obtained easily.In addition, Doppler ultrasound makes it possible to detect,monitor, and quantify flow.Therefore, challenging applications, like brain ultrasound and spinal or hip sonography, are possible.Even better, all inves-tigations can be conducted bedside, including those involving the use ofincu-bators, making ultrasound the perfect imaging tool in neonatology.
Considering the high frequency oflung diseases in premature babies due to their inherent immaturity, it is a logical step to evaluate and describe the potential of lung ultrasound.For several years chest ultrasound was used for the evaluation of pleural effusions, consolidation, surfactant deficiency states,and pneumothorax detection.Enthusiastic pediatricians and radiologists used ultrasound also to guide interventions and insertions of peripheral lines; in particular, correct, central positioning can be monitored noninvasively by ultrasound using a subcostal approach.
In children, Prof.Dr.Erich Sorantin has been applying ultrasound to all body regions for more than 30 years, and the challenges of lung ultrasound have always attracted him.Dr.Jing Liu and Hai-ying Cao were the first neo-natologist and radiologist, respectively, to develop this technology in China under the auspices of Prof.Sorantin starting in 2011.They gained extensive experience in this field through long-term clinical practice with a large number of patients, so the time has come to promote this technology by means of a neonatallung ultrasound monograph.
This book tries to close the gap between clinical needs and sporadic lung ultrasound publications.For the first time this book provides a comprehen-sive overview of several typical, neonatal lung diseases and includes patho-physiology and clinical findings in combination with lung ultrasound.Moreover, care was taken to embed lung ultrasound findings in the clinical management of vulnerable patients.
The book is intended to be read by physicians of all(sub)specialties inter-ested in the imaging and management of neonatal lung diseases including neonatologists and pediatricians, pediatric radiologists, and intensive care and emergency room doctors.Furthermore, the authors believe strongly that using lung ultrasound will reduce the number of chest films in susceptible patients, thereby preventing their exposure to radiation and protecting them from the harmful effects of radiation.
We want to thank Dr.Clark Zhe Wu, professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, who provided much help in English editing and ultrasound physics.His invaluable assistance helped to improve the quality of the book.
Jing Liu, Ph.D., M.D., is the Director of the Department of Neonatology and NICU,Beijing Chaoyang District Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital. He is skilled at neonatal intensive critical care and neonatal brain and lung ultrasound. His academic positions include Associate Chairman of Chinese Neonatologist Association,Chairman of the Specialized Committee on Chinese Maternal Origin Neonatal Disease Research, Associate Chairman of Beijing Neonatology Association, and Associate Chairman of Perinatal Medicine Section,Chinese Academy of Pediatrics. In addition, he is an editorial member of more than 20 Chinese and English journals. Dr. Jing Liu has published more than 280 papers, over 12 books, and book chapters. His research work has been supported by the China Natural Science Foundation, among other orga-nization, and he has won 12 awards for science and technology granted by the government of China.
Erich Sorantin was born in 1957 and stud-ied medicine at the Alma Mater Rudolfina in Vienna, Austria. After graduation he was trained as a general practitioner, followed by a full residency in pediatrics, and after switching to the Department of Radiology,Medical University Graz, he added another residency in radiology with a special focus on pediatric radiology. He obtained a profes-sorship in 2002. Since 2013 he has served as acting head of the Division of Pediatric Radiology, Department of Radiology,Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria.
His scientific interests include, besides pediatric radiology, biocomputing, biosimu-lation, radiation protection, noninvasive imaging, signal and image process-ing, and artificial intelligence.
As a pediatrician he published a paper on computing neonatal mechanical ventilation.ln 1995-1996 he led the first EC research project at the University of Graz in breast cancer detection and artificial intelligence. He served as consultant to Siemens for computer graphics for more than 10 years, and the virtual endoscopy part of two workstations was partly developed by him.Additionally, he introduced digital imaging for children at his institution.Moreover, he optimized Computed Tomography at the Medical University of Graz and several software applications for pediatric use. He also obtained a license as an ultrasound instructor.
He published and authored more than 300 papers, which have received 1244 citations and received 20 awards.
Furthermore, Dr. Sorantin is the network coordinator for a Iarge-scale,multi-institutional, international network (www.ceepus.org) covering more than 40 academic institutions and organizing six summer/winter schools every year, in addition to supporting interdisciplinary research.
Dr. Sorantin has been married for more than 30 years and has three adult sons.
Hai-Ying Cao, M.D., has 10 years of expe-rience as an ultrasound doctor and for morethan 5 years served as direct of ultrasounddepartment. Later, she joined GE Ltd.(China) specializing in clinical education orapplication. Dr. Hai-Ying Cao has extensiveclinical experience and comprehensive skillsand has coauthored several books and pub-lished almost 20 papers.
1 The Basic Principles of Lung Ultrasound
Hai-Ying Cao and Erich Sorantin
2 Sonographic Manifestations of Normal Lungs
Hai-Ying Cao and Erich Sorantin
3 Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Jing Liu and Erich Sorantin
4 Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn
Jing Liu, Hai-Ying Cao, and Erich Sorantin
5 Meconium Aspiration Syndrome of the Newborn
Jing Liu
6 Infectious Pneumonia of the Newborn
Jing Liu
7 Pulmonary Atelectasis of the Newborn
Jing Liu and Hai-Ying Cao
8 Pulmonary Hemorrhage of the Newborn
Jing Liu and Erich Sorantin
9 Pneumothorax of the Newborn
Jing Liu, Hai-Ying Cao, and Erich Sorantin
10 Beyond Diagnosis
Jing Liu