在中小學英語教學中,拓展閱讀是培養(yǎng)語感、拓寬知識面、豐富詞匯量、增強語言運用能力的有效途徑之一。《新課標英語教師培訓叢書:如何指導學生開展拓展閱讀》作者Brian Tomlinson是國際知名教材研究專家,國際教材開發(fā)協(xié)會(MATSDA)創(chuàng)始人兼現(xiàn)任主席。該書依托作者本人及其團隊成員有關指導學生開展拓展閱讀的研究,結合眾多具體的教學實踐,從不同角度對開展拓展閱讀的重要性和必要性進行了介紹和分析,涉及拓展閱讀的價值、閱讀者的學習目的和方式、教師的職責、輔助活動和評估方式等方方面面,并在書后附有推薦閱讀書目和術語表等。全書簡明易懂,例證豐富,實操性強,可為中小學英語教師指導學生開展拓展閱讀提供寶貴的經驗和啟示。
In the past 20 years or so, enormous efforts have been made by the Chinese educational authorities to help English teachers with their professional development.Various programs have been proposed and launched to help improve English teachers' language proficiency, cross-cultural awareness in teaching, to inform them of new developments in language teaching research and to train them in using information technologies in language teaching. While all this has been very useful in raising the overall qualifications ofschool teachers, there are still pressing demands for more up-to-date ideas and practical methods for teachers to adopt or adapt in their classrooms, especially in the face of the new and challenging task of understanding and implementing the new curriculum standards for senior high schools issued by the Ministry ofEducation in 2017.To provide teachers with up-to-date and authoritative guides to latest ideas and methods in language teaching, we have invited some world leading scholars in second language learning and teaching, Rod Ellis,Brian Tomlinson, to name just a few, to reorganize and present their research findings and recent thoughts on language teaching and research in a way more easily accessible to school teachers in China. Topics will range from task-based language teaching, course design, cross-cultural communication, activities and feedback in the classroom, material development, to learning assessment and evaluation, IT in language teaching, etc. It is hoped the book series can be used separately by teachers and schools who are interested in particular topics or collectively on a teacher training program. Hopefully, they can also serve as extra-curriculum readings for future language teachers in normal universities.Language is a complex cognitive and social activity. Language teaching will surely become more effective and efficient when both teachers and educational administrators have a better understanding of the nature of language and language learning and the various factors that need to be considered when implementing language teaching.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 What Is Extensive Reading?
Chapter 3 What Extensive Readingls Not?
Chapter 4 What Do the Learners Read?
Chapter 5 How Do the Learners Read?
Chapter 6 What Does the Teacher Do?
Chapter 7 What Activities Can Support Extensive Reading?
Chapter 8 Can Extensive Reading Be Assessed?
Chapter 9 What Is the Value of Extensive Reading?
Chapter 10 Ways of Implementing an Extensive Reading Programme
Chapter 11 Problems in Implementing an Extensive Reading Programme
and Ways to Overcome Them
Chapter 12 Compromises in the Extensive Reading Classroom
Further Reading