定 價(jià):32 元
- 作者:約瑟夫(John E.Joseph) 著
- 出版時(shí)間:2016/7/1
- ISBN:9787544642941
- 出 版 社:上海外語(yǔ)教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:H08
- 頁(yè)碼:170
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開(kāi)本:16開(kāi)
1 Overview: How politics permeates language (and vice versa)
1.1 What does it mean to say thatlanguage is political?
1.2 The politics ofdifferent ways ofspeaking
1.3 The politics oftalking to others
1.4 The politics ofwhat 'the language'is
1.5 The politics ofwhich language to speak
1.6 The politics ofpolicing the language
1.7 Language, thought and politiaans
1.8 Language and choice
1.9 Conclusion: Language is political from top to bottom Notes
2 Language and nation
2.1 Them and us
2.2 What is or isnt 'a language'
2.3 The role ofwriting
2.4 Constructing 'the language' by controlling variation
2.5 Language, knowledge and power
2.6 How newlanguages emerge: From 'falling standards' to ‘World Englishes'
2.7 Oppression and identity
3 The social politics oflanguage choice and linguistic correaness
3.1 Hearers as speakers
3.2 Thedenialofheteroglossia
3.3 The role ofeducation
3.4 Linguisticimperialism
3.5 Languagerights
3.6 The linguistic performance ofminority identities
Suggested further reading
4 Politics embeddedin language
4.1 Struggle in the sign
4.2 Struggle in interaction
4.3 Deferentialaddress
4.4 Genderedlanguage
4.5 Powerless'language
4.6 The politics oflanguage change
Suggested further reading
5 Taboolanguage andits restriction
5.1 Swearing
5.2 Thelanguage police state
5.3 The politics of(self-)censorship
5.4 Hatespeech
5.5 The right to hear no evil?
Suggested further reading
6 Rhetoric,propagandaandinterpretation
6.1 Rhetoric versus truth?
6.2 Language, thought and reality
6.3 Propagandaanxiety
6.4 Newspeak
6.5 Linguistic creativity and manufacturing consent
6.6 Critical Discourse Analysis
6.7 The function oflanguage in a democracy
Suggested further reading
7 Conclusion: Power, hegemony and choices
7.1 Agency
7.2 Broccolitheory
7.3 Conclusions
7.4 Implications and applications