中國經(jīng)典文化走向世界叢書(學術(shù)卷2 英文版)
定 價:35 元
- 作者:楊國榮 著,潘文國 編,龔海燕 譯
- 出版時間:2018/11/1
- ISBN:9787544655125
- 出 版 社:上海外語教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:I211
- 頁碼:163
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
《中國經(jīng)典文化走向世界叢書(學術(shù)卷2 英文版)》是“漢英對照近世經(jīng)典與傳統(tǒng)文化系列”中的《傳習錄》與陽明心學的英文版。借本套叢書的出版,即可填補該領(lǐng)域的空白,又可滿足海外希望了解這一領(lǐng)域中國文化的讀者的需求!吨袊(jīng)典文化走向世界叢書(學術(shù)卷2 英文版)》主要介紹了以《傳習錄》為代表的王陽明心學以及從明清到近代的心學傳承。
Chapter One Evolution of the Principlism: Historical Prerequisite for the Formation of Mindology
1. Nature is Principle, and Others: Intensification of Metaphysical Noumenon
2. Lu Jiuyuan: Tension between Mind and Principle
3. Wavering between the Theories of Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan
Chapter Two Records of the Instructions and Reviews and Wang Yangming's Mindology
1. From Records of the Instructions and Reviews to The Complete Works of Yangming
2. Reconstruction of Mind-Body
3. Mind and Thing
4. Innate Knowledge as Moral Nature
5. Distinction between Community and Self
6. To Attain Innate Knowledge
7. Unity of Knowledge and Action
Chapter Three Mindology and Thoughts in the Late Ming Dynasty
1. The Taizhou Sect
2. The Theory of Child-Mind and the Principle of Individual
3. Return to Nature-Noumenon
4. Unfoldment of the Theory of Attaining Innate Knowledge
5. The Donglin Sect and Mindology
Chapter Four Mindology at the Turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
1. What Effort Attains Is Noumenon
2. Distinction between the Individual and the Whole
Chapter Five Reverberations of Mindology in the Modern Times
1. Innate Knowledge and Individuality
2. Innate Knowledge and Intuition
3. Mind-Power and Will-Desire
4. Unity of Knowledge and Action, and Oneness of Nature and
I. Bibliography
II. Glossary