Chapter 1 Introduction of data driven
1.1 Introduction/l
1.2 Outline and contributions/6
1.3 Publications/8
Chapter 2 Data driven model predictive
2.1 Introduction/11
2.2 Application of bounded error
into model predictive control/13
2.3 Application of interval predictor model
into model predictive control /29
2.4 Stability analysis in cooperative
distributed model
predictive control /48
2.5 Summary/60
Chapter 3 Data driven identification for
closed loop system/61
3.1 Introduction/61
3.2 Stealth identification strategy for
closed loop
linear time invariant system/63
3.3 Performance analysis of closed loop
system with
a tailor made parameterization / 81
3.4 Minimum variance control strategy for
closed loop system / 98
3.5 Summary/107
Chapter 4 Data
driven model validation for
closed loop system/108
4.1 Introduction/108
4.2 Model structure validation for closed
system identification/109
4.3 Non-asymptotic confidence regions in
closed loop
model validation /123
4.4 Further results on model structure
validation / 128
4.5 Finite sample properties for closed
loop identification/135
4.6 Summary/149
Chapter5Data driven identification for
nonlinear system/151
5.1 Introduction/151
5.2 Parallel distributed estimation for
nonlinear state space models/152
5.3 Summary/175
Chapter 6 Data driven iterative tuning
6.1 Introduction / 176
6.2 Zonotope parameter identification for
piecewise affine system/177
6.3 Iterative correlation tuning control
closed loop linear time invariant system /
6.4 Controller design for many variables
loop system under non-interaction condition
6.5 Summary/225
Chapter 7 Data driven applications/226
7.1 Introduction/226
7.2 Applying set membership strategy in
state of
charge estimation for Lithium-ion battery
7.3 Optimal input signal design for
aircraft flutter
model parameters identification / 254
7.4 Summary/290
Chapter 8 Conclusions
and outlook/291
8.1 Conclusions/291
8.2 Outlook/294