Chapter 1 Mathematical Descriptions of Systems
1.1 System's input-output descriptions
1.2 State space descriptions of linear systems
1.3 Conversion from input-output description to state-space description
1.4 Diagonal canonical form and Jordan canonical form of state equations
1.5 Similarity transformation of linear systems
1.6 State space description of composite systems
Chapter 2 Motion Analysis of Linear Systems
21 Introduction
2.2 Motion analysis of LTI systems
2.3 The state transition matrix of LTI systems
2.4 Motion analysis of linear LTV systems
Chapter 3 Controllability and Observability of Linear Systems
3.1 Definition of controllability and observability
3.2 Controllability criteria of linear time-continuous systems
3.3 Observability criteria of linear time-continuous systems
3.4 Duality theorem
3.5 Controllable canonical form and observable canonical form of SISO LTI systems
3.6 Controllable canonical form and observable canonical form of MIMO LTI systems
3.7 Canonicaldecomposition of linear systems
Chapter 4 Stability
4.1 Input-output stability and internal stability
4.2 Several concepts about stability of Lyapunov
4.3 Main theorems of Lyapunov's second method for stability
4.4 Common construction methods of Lyapunov function
4.5 State motion stability criteria of linear systems
Chapter 5 Time-domain Synthesis of Linear Systems
5 1 State feedback and output feedback
5.2 Effects of state feedback and output feedback on controllability and observability
5.3 Pole placement of single-input systems
5.4 Pole placement of multiple-input systems
5.5 Effect of state feedback on transfer matrices
5.6 Pole placement of not completely controllable systems
5.7 Pole placement using output feedback
5.8 The decoupling of multivariable systems by state feedback
5.9 Full-dimensional state estimator oflinear systems
5.10 Feedback from estimated states