定 價(jià):32 元
- 作者:王逢鑫 著
- 出版時(shí)間:2010/9/1
- ISBN:9787301176566
- 出 版 社:北京大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:H31-05
- 頁碼:239
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:2
- 開本:16開
Lesson One The English Language
Lesson Two The English-Speaking Countries
Lesson Three The English Names
Lesson Four Society and Family
Lesson Five The Monarchical System
Lesson Six The Parliamentary System
Lesson Seven The Electoral System
Lesson Eight The Governmental System
Lesson Nine The Legal System
Lesson Ten The Economic System
Lesson Eleven Income and Expenditure
Lesson Twelve Commerce and Investment
Lesson Thirteen Intellectual Property
Lesson Fourteen The Educational System
Lesson Fifteen Mass Media
Lesson Sixteen Network Culture
Lesson Seventeen Religion (1)
Lesson Eighteen Religion (2)
Partial Answers to Exercises
A language is a system of communication used by the people of a particular country ora region for talking or writing purposes. A language system consists of a set of codes thatare sounds and written symbols. People in one country or region may speak a differentlanguage from those in another country or region. We often have the difficulty of communicatingwith people who speak a different language. This forms the language barrier. That's whywe have to learn a foreign language that is spoken by the people from another country. Most languages have both oral or spoken, and written forms. Take English forexample. Oral English is its spoken form while written English is its written form. But afew languages have only spoken forms, but lack written ones. A modern language is a language that is still spoken today while a dead language is alanguage that is no longer spoken. Latin is a dead language, which is the language of theancient Romans.