《魯濱遜漂流記(注釋版)》 北京外國語大學名師隊注釋 權威注釋版讓你讀懂原著。 英語學習者和文學愛好者的藏書之愛 英國現(xiàn)實主義小說開山之作 航海探險小說的先驅 曲折離奇的夢想與勇氣之旅 傾注著對生命的敬畏和感動 購買《我的心靈藏書館》系列其他圖書請點擊:
Chapter 1 Start in Life
Chapter 2 Slavery and Escape
Chapter 3 Wrecked on a Desert Island
Chapter 4 First Weeks on the Island
Chapter 5 Builds a House—The Journa
Chapter 6 Ill and Conscience—Stricken
Chapter 7 Agricultural Experience
Chapter 8 Surveys His Position
Chapter 9 A Boat
Chapter 10 Tames Goats
Chapter 11 Finds Print of Mans Foot on the Sand
Chapter 12 A Cave Retreat
Chapter 13 Wreck of a Spanish Ship
Chapter 14 A Dream Realised
Chapter 15 Fridays Education
Chapter 16 Rescue of Prisoners from Cannibals
Chapter 17 Visit of Mutineers
Chapter 18 The Ship Recovered
Chapter 19 Return to England
Chapter 20 Fight Between Friday and a Bear
had used to me; and that, in short, if I would ruin myself there wasno help for me; but I might depend I should never have theirconsent to it; that for her part, she would not have so much hand inmy destruction, and I should never have it to say, that my mother waswilling when my father was not.
Though my mother refused to move it to my father, yet, as Ihave heard afterwards, she reported all the discourse to him, and thatmy father, after showing a great concem at it, said to her with a sigh,"That boy might be happy if he would stay at home, but if he goesabroad he will be the miserablest wretchthat was ever born: I cangive no consent to it. "
It was not till almost a year after this that I broke loose, though inthe meantime I continued obstinately deaf to all proposals of settling tobusiness, and frequently expostulating with my father and mother abouttheir being so positively determined against what they knew my inclina-tions prompted me to. But being one day at Hull, where I went casual-ly, and without any purpose of making an elopement that time; but Isay, being there, and one of my companions being going by sea toLondon, in his fathers ship, and prompting me to go with them, withthe common allurement of seafaring men, viz., that it should cost menothing for my passage, I consulted neither father or mother any more,nor so much as sent them word of it; but leaving them to hear of it asthey might, without asking Gods blessing, or my fathers, without anyconsideration of circumstances or consequences, and in an ill hour.