PrefaceAuthor's Introduction SECTION I Survey1 What is grammar? What is grammar for? Language without grammar Problems Solving the problems2 From simplicity to complexity: word classes and structures Word classes Code and message: from words to phrases Clauses Subjects and objects Mood Analysing phrases and clauses Clauses iide clauses The units of language3 Grammar In the world's languages Word classes Structural types Morphological complexity Agreement Meanings Why is everything so complicated ?4 Grammar and vocabulary How different are grammar and vocabulary? The grammar of words On the frontier Language in use: chunking A continuum5 Grammar In spoken and written text Speech and writing Building phrases, clauses, and utterances Reference and context 'Given' and 'new': information flow and topic-maintenance Text structuring Face Formal and informal language Special kinds of text6 Grammar and language change 1,ooo yea of change in English Mechanisms of change Analogy Phonetic erosion Grammaticalization Speed of change How did it all start?7 Grammar in society: 'correctness' and standardization Language under attack What do we mean by 'incorrect'? Mistakes Variation Dialect forms Alternative usage Authorities: descriptive and prescriptive rules Problems with prescriptive rules Ripples on the ocean The desire for standardization The price of standardization8 Grammar In the head Investigating language From outside to iide Learnability and univeal grammar Problems with the innatist view Usage-based associative learning Modularity: grammar in the brain SECTION 2 Readings SECTION 3 References SECTION 4 Glossary ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS