Phase Transitions of Simple Systems簡(jiǎn)單系統(tǒng)相變(影印版)
定 價(jià):44 元
- 作者:〔俄〕斯米爾諾夫,〔美〕貝里
- 出版時(shí)間:2013/9/1
- ISBN:9787301227114
- 出 版 社:北京大學(xué)出版社
- 中圖法分類:O414.21
- 頁(yè)碼:260
- 紙張:
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
《Phase Transitions of Simple Systems簡(jiǎn)單系統(tǒng)相變(影印版)》是從微觀理論入手來(lái)討論的,試圖給予大塊物質(zhì)和小系統(tǒng)的相變一個(gè)統(tǒng)一的理論基礎(chǔ)。這是一本關(guān)于小系統(tǒng)相和相變的專著。利用用簡(jiǎn)單但具有實(shí)質(zhì)物理意義的模型,本書討論了剛性晶體、玻璃和液態(tài)簡(jiǎn)相變發(fā)生的緣由。本書還討論了相平衡的出現(xiàn),以及大塊性質(zhì)如何從小系統(tǒng)的性質(zhì)中演生出。本書適合熱力學(xué)、統(tǒng)計(jì)物理、凝聚態(tài)物理領(lǐng)域,乃至所有對(duì)相變問題感興趣的研究者和研究生閱讀。
《Phase Transitions of Simple Systems簡(jiǎn)單系統(tǒng)相變(影印版)》是從斯普林格出版社引進(jìn)的影印版圖書。相變無(wú)疑是現(xiàn)代物理的核心概念之一。它幾乎關(guān)系到物理學(xué)的所有研究方向。本書的作者是在相變領(lǐng)域有豐富研究經(jīng)驗(yàn),在世界上享有盛譽(yù)的著名科學(xué)家。他們的研究深度以及講述技巧使得本書兼具學(xué)術(shù)上的深厚內(nèi)涵和較強(qiáng)的可讀性。本書值得所有在物理學(xué)界工作的讀者閱讀。
Part I Thermodynamics of Ensembles of Classical Particles
1 Excitations in Simple Atomic Ensembles
1.1 Thermodynamics and Dynamics of Particle Ensembles
1.2 Interaction of Inert Gas Atoms
1.3 Similarity Law for Simple Atomic Ensembles
1.4 Evolution of Particle Ensembles
1.5 Voids as Elementary Configurational Excitations
2 Structures of Ensembles of Interacting Particles
2.1 Close-Packed Structures
2.2 Shells in Close-Packed Structures
2.3 Lennard-Jones Crystal
2.4 Morse Crystal
2.5 Surface Energy of Lennard-Jones and Morse Crystals
2.6 Solid and Liquid Inert Gases Near the Triple Point Introduction
Part I Thermodynamics of Ensembles of Classical Particles
1 Excitations in Simple Atomic Ensembles
1.1 Thermodynamics and Dynamics of Particle Ensembles
1.2 Interaction of Inert Gas Atoms
1.3 Similarity Law for Simple Atomic Ensembles
1.4 Evolution of Particle Ensembles
1.5 Voids as Elementary Configurational Excitations
2 Structures of Ensembles of Interacting Particles
2.1 Close-Packed Structures
2.2 Shells in Close-Packed Structures
2.3 Lennard-Jones Crystal
2.4 Morse Crystal
2.5 Surface Energy of Lennard-Jones and Morse Crystals
2.6 Solid and Liquid Inert Gases Near the Triple Point
3 Thermodynamics of Dense Gases and Liquids
3.1 Equation of State for an Ensemble of Randomly Distributed Particles
3.2 Equilibrium of Gas and Condensed States
3.3 Liquid Surface Parameters
3.4 Peculiarities of Similarity for Inert Gases
3.5 Scaling Law for Molecular Systems
4 Clusters with Short-Range Interaction
4.1 Configurations of Solid Clusterswith Pairwise Atomic Interactions
4.2 Peculiarities of Close-Packed Clusterswith Short-Range Interaction
4.3 Constructing fcc-Clusters with Short-RangeInteraction
4.4 Growth of fcc Clusters with Short-Range Atomic Interaction
4.5 Regular Clusters of Close-Packed Structures
4.6 Icosahedral Clusters
4.7 Competition of Icosahedral and Close-Packed Structures
5 Ensembles of Classical Particles with Repulsion
5.1 Thermodynamics of Ensembles of Repelling Particles
5.2 A System of Hard Spheres
5.3 Colloid Suspensions as Systems of Repelling Particles
5.4 Virial Theorem and Instability of Crystal Structure
5.5 Phase Transition for an Ensemble of Repelling Atoms
5.6 Phase Transitions in Inert Gases under High Pressure
5.7 Structures of an Ensemble of Repelling Particles at Low Temperatures
Part II Configurational Excitations and Aggregate Statesof Ensembles of Classical Particles
6 Configurational Excitation and Voids in Ensemblesof Bound Classical Atoms
6.1 Separation of Thermal and Configurational Degreesof FYeedom of Clusters
6.2 Lattice Model for the Order-Disorder Phase Transition
6.3 Chemical Equilibria and Phase Transitions
6.4 Internal Voids in a System of Identical Particles
6.5 Void Formation in Two Dimensions
6.6 The Cell Model for Disk Particles
6.7 Peculiarities of Configurational Excitation for Bulk Atomic Systems
6.8 Two-State Approximation for Aggregate States
7 Configurational Cluster Excitation with Pairwise Interactions
7.1 Peculiarities of Configurational Excitation of Clusters
7.2 Structural Phase Transition in a Solid Cluster
7.3 Configurational Excitation of the Icosahedral Cluster of 13 Atoms
7.4 The Cluster as a Microcanonical Ensemble of Bound Atoms
7.5 The Cluster as a Canonical Ensemble of Bound Atoms
Part III Dynamics of Configurational Excitations in Ensemblesof Classical Particles