憲法學與行政法學(Law Express 法學初階——西方法學經(jīng)典教材系列 影印雙語注釋本)(著名法學家江平教授、許章潤教授聯(lián)袂推薦)
定 價:23 元
- 作者:(英) 泰勒 (Taylor,C.)著,王梓 注
- 出版時間:2014/1/1
- ISBN:9787560993959
- 出 版 社:華中科技大學出版社
- 中圖法分類:D911.01
- 頁碼:191
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:大32開
在這本教材中,作者采用簡明易懂的語言將其重點知識,如憲法的起源、憲法 的基本原則、國家組織結(jié)構(gòu)、人權(quán)及司法審查等內(nèi)容一一作了介紹與闡釋。教材每一章節(jié)之始,作者為其內(nèi)容的重點知識詞匯編制了知識網(wǎng)絡(luò)圖,這種最為直觀的方式,可以使學生在學習前就對其有一個完整及初步的了解。同時,每一章節(jié)還配有相關(guān)的案例以及分析,這樣可以幫助學生理解相關(guān)知識并熟悉司法實踐過程,提高運用能力。再有,每一章節(jié)還附有部分內(nèi)容的知識圖表,便于學生對所學的知識能夠得到及時的總結(jié)和梳理。
Pearson出版社授權(quán)華中科技大學出版社出版的“法學初階西方法學經(jīng)典教材系列 影印雙語注釋本”正式與大家見面了。!本書采取影印版附加中英文雙語的全新注釋方式,便于讀者的學習與理解。最為原汁原味的英國法內(nèi)容配以圖表、案例、重點詞匯、復(fù)習筆記、參考資源等內(nèi)容,全新的英美法教學模式,地道的法律英語表述方式,不僅展現(xiàn)出法學古老嚴謹?shù)谋举|(zhì),更彰顯出法律獨特的魅力!五彩繽紛的樣式,讓法學書籍也可以這樣美麗。!
《法學初階西方法學經(jīng)典教材系列 影印雙語注釋本》是英國PEARSON出版社出版的一套法學經(jīng)典教材,教材由英國著名法學教授負責編寫,本套教材一共有二十多本。該系列涵蓋了國內(nèi)法學本科生必修的法學課程內(nèi)容,是一套非常適合中國法學院校本科生系統(tǒng)了解與學習英美法系課程內(nèi)容的經(jīng)典教材,同時該教材兼顧法律英語的學習目的。
Chapter 1: The constitution of the UK 1
Chapter 2: Where does the constitution come from? 13
Chapter 3: Basic principles of the constitution
Chapter 4: Institutions of state 1
Chapter 5: Institutions of state 2
Chapter 6: Civil liberties and human rights
Chapter 7: Freedom of expression and assembly
Chapter 8: Police powers
Chapter 9: Judicial review
Chapter 10: Tribunals, inquiries and ombudsmen
And finally, before the exam . . .
Glossary of terms
Introduction What is a constitution anyway? Before you can discuss the operation of the constitution, you need to know what we mean by the term and the answer to this is not as easy as it might first appear. The UK is different from almost every other country in the world in that we do not have a written constitution. Instead, our constitution is a web of mainly unwritten rules and this has serious implications for the way in which 'the system' works. Essay questions Essay questions on the unwritten constitution are an old favourite of examiners. Often, questions will ask you to compare and contrast our unwritten constitution with the more common written constitution (as found in countries such as the USA). Alternatively, an essay question may ask you to consider the extent to which the constitution provides protection for an individual's civil liberties in the UK. Both types of question are fairly straightforward if you appreciate the main differences between the unwritten and writ-ten systems, and it is possible to achieve high marks by making sure that you not only describe the constitution but also offer some analysis or criticism of how it operates.
Problem questions
Problem questions on the constitution are fairly uncommon, although the way in which the unwritten constitution influences the operation of the state can be mentioned in almost any public law question. More likely is a question which may be posed as a scenario but which is, in reality, more of an essay question and simply requires you to address the same material as you would in an essay question (see example).
Sample question
Could you answer this question? Below is a typical essay question that could arise on this topic. Guidelines on answering the question are included at the end of this chapter, whilst a sample problem question and guidance on tackling it can be found on the companion website. 'The fact that the UK does not have a written constitution is of no practical significance to the individual.' Discuss. ESSAy qUESTIon M01_TAYLOR1742_03_SE_C01.indd 3 6/20/12 8:52 PM
What is a constitution? A 'constitution' simply means a system of rules. Many organisations and clubs have constitutions which set out how people are appointed to run the club and the rules which affect the club's members. In the same way, the constitution of a country sets out how power is held by the state and how that power relates to the citizen. In this way, the constitution can be said to define both a horizontal relationship (between the various institutions of state) and a vertical relationship (between the state and the individual). KEy dEfInITIon: constitution The framework of rules which dictate the way in which power is divided between the various parts of the state and the relationship between the state and the individual. The Queen The state The executive (government) Parliament The judiciary
The individual
In most other countries, this system of rules is contained in a single document which is called 'the constitution' and this illustrates that there are two ways in which the term 'constitution' can be interpreted: first, as a system of rules; and, second, as a piece of paper which sets out that system of rules. This is an important distinction when comparing the unwritten constitution of the UK with other countries (such as the USA) which have a written constitution. ExAm TIP When answering questions, make the distinction between the constitution as an 'ab-stract' term (i.e. a set of rules) and the 'concrete' constitution (an actual document which contains those rules).
Types of constitution Before considering the differences between the unwritten constitution of the UK and the written constitutions of most other countries, it is also possible to identify other ways in which constitutions can be classified: