Binary Additive Counter Stream Ciphers 1 Introduction 2 Possible attacks and design criteria 3 Example 1: the Legendre cipher 4 Example 2: the Binary Additive Counter Stream Ciphers 1 Introduction 2 Possible attacks and design criteria 3 Example 1: the Legendre cipher 4 Example 2: the two-prime cipher 5 Conclusions and concluding remarks ReferencesPartial Difference Sets from Quadratic Forms and p-ary Weakly Regular Bent Functions 1 Introduction 2 Partial difference sets from quadratic forms and uniformcyclotomy 3 Partial difference sets from weakly regular p-ary bentfunctions.. ReferencesGoverning Fields of the 4-rank of K20o~./~ as p Varies 1 Introduction 2 The governing field of the 4-rank of K20F 3 The governing field of the 8-rank of K20F ReferencesWord-oriented Linear Feedback Shift Registers: a-LFSRs 1 Introduction 2 Model of a-LFSR 3 Cryptographic properties 4 a-LFSRs suitable for software implementation 5 Application of a-LFSRs 6 Conclusion ReferencesStatistics of Zeros of Families of L-functions over FunctionFields: A Survey 1 Introduction 2 Hyperelliptic curves 3 Cyclic/-fold covers of the projective line 4 Elliptic curves over a rational function field andgeneralizations 5 Concluding remarks ReferencesLectures on p-adic Zeta Functions and (ч, г)-modules 1 Introduction 2 Continuous functions, measures and distributions over Zp 3 The p-adic zeta function of Kubota-Leopoldt 4 (ч, г)-modules and Galois cohomology 5 (ч,г)-modules and Iwasawa theory ReferencesConjectures and Results on x2 mod p2 with 4p = x2 + dy2 1 Introduction 2 Using Apery polynomials and products of three binomialcoefficients 3 Using the polynomials 4 Using the function 5 Using the function 6 Using 7 Miscellaneous things ReferencesHarmonic Weak Maass Forms, Automorphic Green Functions, and PeriodIntegrals 1 Introduction 2 Shimura varieties of orthogonal type and their Kudla cycles 3 Harmonic weak Maass forms, regularized theta lifting, andautomorphic Green functions 4 Eisenstein series associated to coherent and incoherentquadratic spaces 5 Period integrals of the automorphic Green function φ(z, h; f) 6 Big CM values of automorphic Green functions ReferencesSome Recent Progress in Higher Koszulity 1 Preliminaries 2 Higher Koszulity 3 Higher Koszul complexes 4 Hilbert and Poincare series 5 Dual algebras and Ext-algebras 6 Generalized d-Koszul modules 7 Lattice distributivity and Koszulity 8 More related topics References