Chapter One Business Plan
Chapter Two Forms of Business Ownership
Chapter Three Strategic Management
Chapter Four Marketing
Chapter Five Product Development
Chapter Six Pricing
Chapter Seven Promotion
Chapter Eight Distribution
Chapter Nine Organizational Structure
Chapter Ten Corporate Financing
Chapter Eleven Accounting and Financial Analysis
Chapter Twelve Motivating, Satisfying, and Leading Employees
Chapter Thirteen Market, Supply and Demand
Chapter Fourteen Money and Banking
Chapter Fifteen International Business
Chapter Sixteen Balance of Payment
Another hybrid is the limited liability corporation: or LLC.Owners are taxed like partners, each paying personal taxes only.However, they also enjoy the benefits of limited liability accorded to publicly held corporations.Although S corporations may also provide liability protection, various rules may restrict some partnership of Scorporation from limited liability.The LLC does not impose such stringent rules.The LLC must be created according to laws of the state where the business is located.The precise rules on liability protection vary among the states.Numerous general partnerships have converted to LLCs to capitalize on the advantages of a partnership,while limiting liability for their owners.
Professional corporations are most likely comprised of doctors,lawyers, accountants, or other professionals.They are not immune from unlimited liability.Professional negligence by a member entails personal liability on the individual's part.
As the term implies, the multinational or transnational corporation spans national boundaries.Stock may be traded on the exchanges of several countries, and managers are likely to be of different nationalities.