Mathematical Modeling for the MCM/ICM Contests Volume 1(MCM/ICM數(shù)學(xué)建模競賽 第1卷 英文版)
定 價(jià):39 元
- 作者:Jay Belanger, Amanda Beecher, Jie Wang
- 出版時(shí)間:2015/1/1
- ISBN:9787040416763
- 出 版 社:高等教育出版社
- 中圖法分類:O141.4
- 頁碼:
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:1
- 開本:16開
本書由高等教育出版社和美國數(shù)學(xué)及應(yīng)用聯(lián)合會(COMAP)合作出版,由美國大學(xué)生數(shù)學(xué)建模競賽(MCM/ICM)評委親自編寫,競賽主席做序并推薦。書中對競賽題目分析清晰透徹,對Outstanding Winners論文點(diǎn)評言簡意賅,英文流暢純正,表述簡明易懂,讀者可以從中深入體會競賽的主旨以及競賽問題的精髓。
Dr. Jay Belanger is a mathematics professor at Truman State University inKirksville, Missouri, USA. He received his PhD degree in Mathematics from PrincetonUniversity in 1987 and his BS degree in Mathematics from the University ofMichigan at Ann Arbor in 1983. He has published research papers in complex analysis,computational complexity theory, mathematical computing, and the historyof mathematics. He has judged for the MCM contest and co-authored two books inthe HEP series on MCM/ICM Contests Guides and Solutions. Since 2011 he hasserved as a member of the editorial board of the series.
Dr. Amanda Beecher is a mathematics professor at Ramapo College of NewJersey in Mahwah, New Jersey, USA. She received her PhD (2007), MS (2003), andBS (200 Dr. Jay Belanger is a mathematics professor at Truman State University inKirksville, Missouri, USA. He received his PhD degree in Mathematics from PrincetonUniversity in 1987 and his BS degree in Mathematics from the University ofMichigan at Ann Arbor in 1983. He has published research papers in complex analysis,computational complexity theory, mathematical computing, and the historyof mathematics. He has judged for the MCM contest and co-authored two books inthe HEP series on MCM/ICM Contests Guides and Solutions. Since 2011 he hasserved as a member of the editorial board of the series.
Dr. Amanda Beecher is a mathematics professor at Ramapo College of NewJersey in Mahwah, New Jersey, USA. She received her PhD (2007), MS (2003), andBS (2001) degrees in Mathematics from the University at Albany, State Universityof New York. She publishes in commutative algebra. She taught at the United StatesMilitary Academy at West Point for three years, where she began involvement withthe MCM/ICM contests. She was a judge for the ICM contest over the past sevenyears, and wrote commentaries to provide teams with additional feedback for thepast four years. She was a final judge for the ICM Problem C in 2013 and 2014.She is serving as Head Judge for the 2015 ICM contest Problem D.
Dr. Jie Wang is Editor-in-Chief of the HEP book series on MCM/ICM ContestsGuides and Solutions and COMAP’s Director for China Partnerships. He isProfessor and Chair of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts inLowell, Massachusetts, USA. He has written problems for the MCM and served asa final judge multiple times, including ICM 2014. He received his PhD degree inComputer Science from Boston University in 1990, MS degree in Computer Sciencefrom Zhongshan University in 1985, and BS degree in Computational Mathematics
from Zhongshan University in 1982. His research interests include big data modelingand applications, algorithms and computational optimization, and networksecurity. His research has been funded continuously by the National Science Foundationsince 1991. IBM, Intel, Google, and the Natural Science Foundation of Chinaalso funded his research. He has published over 160 journal and conference papers,6 books and 4 edited books. He is active in professional service, including chairingconference program committees, organizing workshops, and serving as an editor fora number of journals.