定 價(jià):79.9 元
- 作者:梅仁毅 主編
- 出版時(shí)間:2015/1/1
- ISBN:9787513553414
- 出 版 社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社
- 中圖法分類:H31
- 頁碼:562
- 紙張:膠版紙
- 版次:2
- 開本:16開
Part I Politics
Unit 1 The Constitution
1. The Constitutional Convention
2. Features of the Constitution
3. The Fight for Ratification
4. The Theory Underlying the Constitution
Unit 2 The Presidency and Presidential Election
1. The Presidency
2. Election
3. The Two Constitutional Presidencies
Unit 3 The Congress
1. How Congress Is Organized
2. The Functions of Congress
Unit 4 The Judiciary
1. Power and Structure of the Court
Part I Politics
Unit 1 The Constitution
1. The Constitutional Convention
2. Features of the Constitution
3. The Fight for Ratification
4. The Theory Underlying the Constitution
Unit 2 The Presidency and Presidential Election
1. The Presidency
2. Election
3. The Two Constitutional Presidencies
Unit 3 The Congress
1. How Congress Is Organized
2. The Functions of Congress
Unit 4 The Judiciary
1. Power and Structure of the Court
2. Distinguished Justices
3. Landmark Cases in American History
Unit 5 Federal and State Governments
1. Federalism
2. The Bureaucracy
3. State Governments
Unit 6 Political Parties
1. The Three Faces of a Party
2. Parties and Party System in American History
3. The Modern American Party System
4. Why Do Americans Have a Two-Party System?
Unit 7 Interest Groups
1. A Nation of Lobbyists
2. Major Interest Groups
3. The Fine Art of Lobbying
Unit 8 Foreign Policy
1. History of United States Foreign Relations
2. The American Heritage in Foreign Affairs
3. Three Ideological Elements in American Foreign Policy
Part II Economy
Unit 9 Important Periods in American Economic Development
1. The Age of the Businessman
2. From Trust to Antitrust
3. The New Deal
4. The Post-WWII Economic System of the United States
5. The Conservative Era
6. New Economy
Unit 10 Foreign Trade
1. Historical Survey of U.S. Trade Relations
2. From the Cold War to the Wired World: Trade Policy in the Clinton Era
3. Wassenaar Arrangement and the Future of Multilateral Export Control
Part III Society
Unit 11 Race and Ethnicity
1. Racism in the United States
2. The Rise-and Fall?-of Affirmative Action
3. The Harmful Myth of Asian Superiority 304<