1 Introduction
2 Units ofRadiation Protection
2.1 Supplementary Information
2.2 Problems
3 Basic Nuclear Physics
3.1 Supplementary Information
3.2 Problems
4 Interaction of Ionizing Radiation with Matter
4.1 Detection ofCharged Particles
4.2 Detection ofNeutrons
4.3 Detection ofPhotons
4.4 Supplementary Information
4.5 Problems
5 Detectors for Radiation Protection
5.1 Ionization Chamber
5.2 Proportional Counters and Geiger-Mfiller Counters
5.3 Scintillation Counters
5.4 Semiconductor Counters
5.5 Neutron Dosimeters
5.6 Personal Dosimeters
5.7 Measurement ofIncorporations and Contaminations
5.8 Supplementary Information
5.9 Problems
6 International Safety Standards for Radiation Protection
6.1 European Directive
6.2 American Directive
6.3 0ther Countries
6.3.1 Australia
6.3.2 Brazil
6.3.3 Canada
6.3.4 China
6.3.5 India
6.3.6 Japan
6.3.7 Mexico
6.3.8 Russia
6.3.9 South Affica
6.4 Supplementary Information
6.5 Problems
7 0rganization ofRadiationProtection
7.1 Supplementary Information
7.2 Problems
8 Practicai Safety Measures
8.1 Licensin9
8.2 Design Approval.
8.3 Arrangements for Fire Fightin9
8.4 Arrangements for Mitigating the Consequences of Severe or Design.Basis Accidents。
8.5 Instruction and Trainin9
8.6 Protection ofAir,Water.and Soil
8.7 Special Reasons for Radiation Exposure
8.8 Handling of Unsealed Radioactive Sources
8.9 Medical Supervision.
8.10 Storage and Security of Radioactive Substances
8.11 Bookkeepin9.
8.12 Waste Treatment and Storage of Radioactive Waste
8.13 Packaging and Transport
8.14 Supplementary Information
8.15 Problems
9 Radiation Sources
10 X Rays and X-Ray Regulations
11 Environmenatal Radioactivity
12 Nuclear Power Plants
13 Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation
14 Radiation Accidents
15 Non-Ionizing Radiation
16 Solutions to the Problems
17 Written Teston Radiation Protection
18 Radiation-Protection Glossary
A Table ofFrequentlyUsedRadioisotopes
B Exemption Limits for Absolute and Specific Activities.
C Maximum Permitted Activity Concentrations Discharged from Radiation Areas
D Examples of Limits for Surface Contaminations.
E Definition ofRadiation Areas.
F Radiation Weighting Factors fOR
G Tissue Weighting Factors lOT.
H Physical Constants
I Useful Conversions
J List of Abbreviations
K List of Elements
L Decay Chains
M List of Isotopes Frequently Used in Nuclear Medicine
N Critical Organs for Various Radioisotopes
O Simplified Table of Isotopes and Periodic Table of Elements
P Decay-Level Schemes
Q Introduction into the Basics of Matheatics
Further Reading
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