本書是對中國留學(xué)申請人套磁話語實踐的實證考察。在法國社會學(xué)家布迪厄的社會實踐理論關(guān)照之下, 作者分析了這些資本如何通過不同層次的言語行為展現(xiàn)在套磁電郵的自我呈現(xiàn)中, 形成具有一定說服力的象征資本, 從而增加他們留學(xué)申請成功的籌碼。作者提出了“二語投資的動態(tài)模型”, 該模型把更多關(guān)注點放在話語的建構(gòu)層面上, 呈現(xiàn)資本、認(rèn)同和關(guān)系在言語投資過程中的動態(tài)性, 豐富了二語投資理論的社會語用視角, 并增強其在語言分析中的解釋力。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The Motive
1.2 Taoci in Beijing Dialect
1.3 Taoci in the International Higher Education Market
1.3.1 Taoci Email
1.3.2 The Global Higher Education Market
1.3.3 Chinese Students in the Global Higher Education Market
1.3.4 Taoci as a Means to Hunt Global Education Offer
1.4 Summary
Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework and Relevant Work
2.1 Second Language Investment Theory
2.1.1 Bourdieu's Theory of Practice: Habitus, Field and Capital
2.1.2 Second Language Learning Investment
2.2 Speech Act Theory
2.2.1 Th Internalist Perspective: Intrinsic to Language Signs
2.2.2 The Externalist Perspective: Beyond Linguistic Signs
2.2.3 Performativity in Postmodern Sociology
2.3 L2 Learners' English Email Writing and Self-promotional Discourse
2.3.1 English Email from Student to Faculty
2.3.2 Self-promotional Genre in Application
2.4 Research Questions Based on the Present Work
Chapter 3 Research Methodology
3.1 Data Collection
3.1.1 Participants
3.1.2 Data CoUected
3.2 Data Analysis
3.2.1 Discourse Analysis Method of Taoci Email
3.2.2 Analysis Method of Interview Transcripts and Supplementary Data
3.3 Privacy Protection
Chapter 4 Investment Through Speech Acts: A Panorama
4.1 An Overview of Taoci as Macro Speech Act
4.2 Speech Act as Pulling Guanxi
4.2.1 Deference-oriented Strategy: Distancing
4.2.2 Solidarity-oriented Strategy: Bonding
4.2.3 Sectional Discussion: Investment with Social Capital
4.3 Speech Act as Promoting Self/2o
4.3.1 Me-oriented Strategy: Advertising Self
4.3.2 Us-oriented Strategy: Striking up Academic Bonding
4.3.3 Sectional Discussion: Investing with Academic Capital
4.4 Speech Act as Negotiating Entry
4.4.1 InquiringAvailabflity
4.4.2 Asking for Offer
4.4.3 Informing Application Status
4.4.4 Following up Application Status
4.4.5 Asking for "Illegitimate" Favor
4.4.6 Sectional Discussion: Investment for Imagined Identity
4.5 Discussion and Summary
Chapter 5 Writing to Act: An Individual Investment Trajectory
5.1 Case Data
5.2 Speech Act Varying Across Application Stages
5.2.1 The Door-knocking Phase: Overriding Self-promotion and Less Guanxi-pulling
5.2.2 The Upsetting Situation: More and Intensifying Guanxi-pulling
5.2.3 Deadline Approaching: More Accurate Self-promotion
5.2.4 Summary of Speech Act Variation Across Situations
5.3 Writing into an Imagined Future
5.3.1 Imagined IdentitY of "World Viewer" and "Successful Returnee
5.3.2 Accumulating Capital for Global Offer Hunting
5.3.3 The Dynamic Investment in Yunyang's Taoci
5.4 Summary
Chapter 6 The Dynamic Investment Model
6.1 General Discussion on Major Findings
6.2 The Dynamic Investment Model
6.2.1 Speech Act: Doing Investment with Words
6.2.2 Habitus: Perpetuating Yet Changing
6.2.3 Dynamism of Investment
Chapter 7 Conclusion
7.1 Implications
7.2 Limitations
7.3 Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix A English Translation of Participant Recruitment Email
Appendix B English Translation of the Interview Design
Appendix C Samples of Email Data in the Year of 2013, 2014 and 2015