弗蘭克·羅特爾梅爾(Frank Rothaermel), 佐治亞理工學院管理學院教授。弗蘭克教授的研究興趣主要在戰(zhàn)略、創(chuàng)新和創(chuàng)業(yè)等領域。曾被美國國家科學基金會授予杰出青年教授獎。為安進、戴姆勒、禮來、通用電氣能源集團、微軟、麥克森等知名企業(yè)提供高管培訓服務。被考夫曼基金會評選為戰(zhàn)略創(chuàng)業(yè)和創(chuàng)新領域的全球75位思想領袖之一。在學術期刊發(fā)表論文25篇。在多家學術期刊的編輯委員會任職。
PART 1 Strategy Analysis
CHAPTER 1 What Is Strategy and Why Is It Important?
CHAPTER 2 The Strategic Management Process
cHAPTER 3 External Analysis: Industry Structure, Competitive
CHAPTER 4 Internal Analysis: Resources, Capabilities, and Activities
PART 2 Strategy Formulation
CHAPTER 6 Business Strategy: Differentiation, Cost Leadership, and Integration
CHAPTERCASE 7 From Encyclopedia Britannica to Encarta to Wikipedia
CHAPTER 8 Corporate Strategy: Vertical Integration and Diversification
CHAPTER 9 Corporate Strategy: Acquisitions, Alliances, and Networks
CHAPTER 10 Global Strategy: Competing Around the World
PART 3 Strategy Implementation
CHAPTER 11 Organizational Design: Structure, Culture, and Control
CHAPTER 12 Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, and Strategic Leadership
PART 4 Minicases
MINICASE 1 Michael Phelps: Strategizing for Gold
MINICASE 2 Strategy and Serendipity: A Billion- Dollar Bonanza
MINICASE 3 The Home Depot’s Eco Options Boost Profit Margins
MINICASE 4 Starbucks: Re-creating Its Uniqueness
MINICASE 5 GE under Jack Welch vs. Jeffrey Immelt
MINICASE 6 JetBlue: Losing the Magic Touch?
MINICASE 7 Which Automotive Technology Will Win?
MINICASE 8 Core Competencies: From Circuit City to CarMax
MINICASE 9 P&G’s New Corporate Strategy: “Connect+Develop”
MINICASE 10 The Wonder from Sweden: Is IKEA’s Success Sustainable?
MINICASE 11 Sony’s Silos Prevent Collaboration Across Divisions
MINICASE 12 PepsiCo’s Indra Nooyi: “Performance with a Purpose”
PART 5 Cases
CASE 1IBM and the Emerging Cloud-Computing Industry ?
CASE 2Healthymagination at GE ?
CASE 3Cola Wars in China: The Future is Here
CASE 4UPS in India—A Package Deal? ?
CASE 5Apple after Steve Jobs ?
The vision for this book is to provide students with core concepts, frameworks, and analysis techniques in strategy that will not only integrate their functional course offerings but also help them to become managers who make better strategic decisions. It is a research-based strategy text for the issues that managers face in a globalized and turbulent 21st century, blending theory, empirical research, and practical applications in a student-accessible form.
The competition in the strategy textbook market can be separated into two overarching categories: traditional strategy textbooks, which are the first-generation books (from the 1980s), and more recent research-based strategy textbooks, which are the second-generation books (from the 1990s). This new textbook aims to be different—a third-generation strategy textbook, positioned to compete successfully with the primary first- and second-generation incumbents. The third-generation approach you will find in this book combines the student accessibility and application-oriented frameworks found in first-generation books with the strategy research in the second-generation books.
In this book, I synthesize and integrate theory, empirical research, and practical applications in a unique combination of rigor and relevance. With a single strong voice, the book weaves together classic and cutting-edge theory with in-chapter cases and strategy highlights, to demonstrate how companies gain and sustain competitive advantage. The strategic intent for the book is to combine quality and value with user-friendliness. The mental model I used throughout the process of writing and developing the project is Apple Inc.’s innovation approach, which tightly integrates different competencies to launch novel, but highly user-friendly products. I view this book, the different options for accompanying cases, and the additional instructor and student resources in much the same way.